Besetzung und Crew von Planet der Affen: New Kingdom

Planet der Affen: New Kingdom

Niemand kann die Herrschaft aufhalten.

Etwa 300 Jahre nach der blutigen und verlustreichen Schlacht zwischen den von Caesar angeführten Affen und den Menschen unter Kommando des Colonels, haben sich in der Oase, in die Caesar seine Artgenossen einst geführt hat, mehrere Affengesellschaften parallel entwickelt. Die Menschen hingegen sind wieder Wilde geworden. Einige der Affenclans haben noch nie etwas von Caesar gehört. Andere wiederum nutzen dessen Legendenstatus aus, um seine Lehren zugunsten ehrgeiziger Ziele zu verdrehen. Vor diesem Hintergrund versklavt der Affenanführer Proximus Caesar andere Clans, um eine geheime, menschliche Technologie zu finden. Als der Schimpanse Noa mitansehen muss, wie seine Sippe entführt wird, begibt er sich zusammen mit dem menschlichen Mädchen Mae auf die Suche, um seine verschleppten Artgenossen zu finden und zu befreien...

Gesamte Besetzung von Planet der Affen: New Kingdom

Freya Allan as Nova / Mae

Freya Allan

Nova / Mae
In the highly anticipated movie 'Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes', Freya Allan delivers a captivating performance that is sure to leave audiences in awe. As , Allan brings a unique blend of vulnerability and strength to the character, making her a standout in the ensemble cast. Her ability to convey complex emotions with just a look is truly remarkable, and her chemistry with her co-stars is palpable. Allan's performance is a testament to her talent as an actress and cements her status as one to watch in the industry.
Kevin Durand as Proximus Caesar

Kevin Durand

Proximus Caesar
In the movie 'Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes', Kevin Durand delivers a captivating performance as a human survivor struggling to coexist with the intelligent ape population. Durand's portrayal is both nuanced and intense, as he navigates the complex dynamics between humans and apes in this post-apocalyptic world. His ability to convey raw emotion and empathy allows viewers to connect with his character on a deeper level, making his performance a standout feature in the film.
William H. Macy as Trevathan

William H. Macy

In the highly anticipated film "Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes", William H. Macy delivers a captivating performance as Trevathan, a complex and morally ambiguous human survivor in a post-apocalyptic world dominated by intelligent apes. Macy masterfully balances Trevathan's cunning, desperation, and vulnerability, creating a character that is both compelling and human in a world where humanity's position is uncertain. His nuanced portrayal adds depth to the narrative, allowing the audience to question the nature of power, empathy, and survival in a world forever changed.
Karin Konoval as Maurice

Karin Konoval


Karin Konoval (* um 1961 in Baltimore, Maryland) ist eine US-amerikanische Schauspielerin. Seit Ende der 1980er...