Du wirst glauben, dass ein Mensch fliegen kann.
Kal-El vom Planeten Krypton wird von seinem Vater Jor-El in einer Rettungskapsel auf die ferne Erde gesendet, um dem drohenden Untergang des Planeten zu entgehen. Dort wird er im ländlichen Kansas von Martha und Jonathan Kent adoptiert. Er wächst unter dem Namen Clark Kent auf und übernimmt später einen Job als Journalist beim Daily Planet. Nur er und seine Adoptiveltern wissen, dass sich hinter dem unscheinbaren jungen Mann ein außerirdisches Wesen mit übernatürlichen Fähigkeiten verbirgt: Superman. Doch mit seinen überwältigenden Fähigkeiten kommt auch die Verantwortung unfassbare Entscheidungen treffen zu müssen. Als der brutale General Zod die Erde angreift, muss Superman seinem Schicksal folgen und die Menschheit beschützen.
Gesamte Besetzung von Man of Steel
Henry Cavill
Clark Kent / Superman / Kal-El
Henry Cavill's portrayal of Clark Kent / Superman / Kal-El in 'Man of Steel' is a standout performance that truly embodies the iconic character. Cavill brings a depth and vulnerability to Clark Kent, showcasing his struggle to find his place in the world. As Superman, he exudes strength and confidence, while still maintaining the humanity that makes the character so relatable. His performance as Kal-El adds another layer, exploring the character's Kryptonian heritage and the weight of his destiny. Overall, Cavill's performance is a compelling blend of power, compassion, and complexity that does justice to the beloved superhero.
In the movie 'Man of Steel', Amy Adams delivers a compelling performance as Lois Lane, the intrepid journalist who uncovers the truth about Superman's identity. Adams brings a strong, independent spirit to the character, making her a worthy match for the iconic superhero. Her portrayal is marked by a sharp intellect and a fearless determination, which are evident in her relentless pursuit of the story. Adams also imbues the character with a warmth and vulnerability that make her relatable and endearing to the audience. Overall, her performance adds depth and humanity to the movie, making it a memorable addition to the Superman film franchise.
Diane Lane's portrayal of Martha Kent in 'Man of Steel' is both heartwarming and powerful. She brings a sense of strength and resilience to the character, making her a pillar of support for her son, Clark Kent. Lane's performance is filled with emotional depth, as she navigates the complexities of raising a superhuman child in a world that fears him. Her on-screen chemistry with Henry Cavill, who plays Clark Kent, adds a layer of authenticity to their mother-son relationship. Overall, Lane's performance is a standout in the film, showcasing her talent as a versatile actress.
In the movie 'Man of Steel', Russell Crowe delivers a powerful and emotionally resonant performance as Jor-El, Superman's biological father. Crowe brings a sense of gravitas and wisdom to the role, portraying Jor-El as a man who is fiercely protective of his family and his planet. He also brings a sense of vulnerability to the character, showing Jor-El's fear and sadness as he watches his world crumble around him. Overall, Crowe's performance is a standout in the film and adds depth and complexity to the character of Jor-El.
Kevin Costner
Jonathan Kent
Kevin Costner delivers a heartfelt and nuanced performance as Jonathan Kent in 'Man of Steel'. His portrayal of Clark Kent's adoptive father is marked by a deep sense of love, responsibility, and wisdom. Costner's Jonathan Kent is a man of few words, but his actions and expressions speak volumes about his character. He provides Clark with the moral compass he needs to navigate his extraordinary abilities, always reminding him of the importance of using his powers for the greater good. Costner's performance is a touching tribute to the enduring bond between fathers and sons, and adds a layer of humanity to the larger-than-life narrative of Superman.
Laurence Fishburne
Perry White
Laurence John Fishburne III (geboren am 30. Juli 1961) ist ein amerikanischer Schauspieler für Film und Bühne sowie...
Michael Kelly
Steve Lombard
Michael Joseph Kelly (geb. 22. Mai 1969) ist ein amerikanischer Schauspieler. Größere Bekanntheit erlangte Kelly...
Carla Gugino
Kelor (voice)
Carla Neil Gugino (* 29. August 1971 in Sarasota, Florida) ist eine US-amerikanische Schauspielerin italienischer,...
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