Léon: Ein Killer, ein Mädchen, ein tödlicher Plan.
Die 12-jährige Mathilda wächst nicht gerade in den besten Verhältnissen auf: Ihre Mutter arbeitet als Prostituierte, ihr Vater versteckt Drogen für den korrupten Polizisten Norman Stansfield. Als sich dieser eines Tages betrogen fühlt, richtet er kurzerhand die ganze Familie hin und nur Mathilda entgeht dem Massaker knapp. Verzweifelt bittet sie ihren wenig gesprächigen Nachbarn Léon um Hilfe, der sie nur widerwillig in die Wohnung lässt. Schon kurze Zeit später stellt sie fest, dass er sein Geld als Profikiller verdient. Sie beschließt ebenfalls Cleaner zu werden, um den Mord an ihrer Familie zu rächen...
Gesamte Besetzung von Léon - Der Profi
In Luc Besson's "Léon: The Professional," Jean Reno delivers a captivating performance as Léon Montana, a quiet and unassuming yet highly skilled assassin. Léon leads a solitary life, but his world is turned upside down when he crossly paths with Mathilda, a young girl played by Natalie Portman. Reno's portrayal of Léon is layered and nuanced, showcasing the character's inner turmoil and unspoken vulnerability beneath his stoic exterior. His chemistry with Portman is palpable, as he takes on an avuncular role, and the audience witnesses his emotional growth through their shared bond. Reno's performance is one of subtle gestures and restrained emotion, skillfully conveying Léon's transformation into a more empathetic individual. In this masterful rendition of Léon Montana, Reno commands the screen and leaves a lasting impact on viewers.
Natalie Portman
Mathilda Lando
Natalie Portman delivers a captivating performance as Mathilda Lando in the movie 'Léon: The Professional'. Portman, in her debut role, showcases her remarkable talent and maturity, effortlessly portraying the complexities of a young girl who, after losing her family, forms an unlikely bond with a professional assassin. Her nuanced portrayal of Mathilda's emotional journey, from vulnerability to resilience, is both heartbreaking and inspiring, making her character one of the most memorable in the film.
Gary Oldman
Norman Stansfield
Gary Oldman's portrayal of Norman Stansfield in "Léon: The Professional" is a masterclass in villainy. His performance is chilling and unpredictable, with his character's violent outbursts and drug-fueled rants adding a layer of menace to the film. Oldman's ability to switch from calm and collected to explosive and unhinged in an instant is truly remarkable, and his performance is a testament to his range as an actor. His portrayal of Stansfield is one of the most memorable and iconic villains in cinema history, and it's a must-watch for any fan of Oldman's work.