Besetzung und Crew von Holmes & Watson

Holmes & Watson

Sherlock Holmes und Dr. John Watson untersuchen gemeinsam einen mysteriösen Mord im Buckingham Palace. Es scheint zunächst ein klarer Fall zu sein, denn alle Anzeichen deuten auf Professor James Moriarty hin, den kriminellen Drahtzieher und langjährigen Erzfeind des kriminellen Duos. Als neue Hinweise auftauchen, müssen der größte Detektiv der Welt und sein zuverlässiger Assistent innerhalb von vier Tagen den Mörder fangen, bevor die Königin diesem zum Opfer fällt.

Gesamte Besetzung von Holmes & Watson

Will Ferrell as Sherlock Holmes

Will Ferrell

Sherlock Holmes
In the comedic adaptation "Holmes & Watson", Will Ferrell brilliantly reimagines the iconic character of Sherlock Holmes in his own unique style. Infusing the legendary detective with his trademark humor, Ferrell delivers a performance that is as hilarious as it is unexpected. He masterfully portrays Holmes as a bumbling genius, turning the character's renowned deductive skills into a series of absurd yet amusing logic leaps. Ferrell's comedic timing and charisma bring a fresh and entertaining perspective to the classic Sherlock Holmes, making his portrayal a standout in the film.
Kelly Macdonald as Mrs. Martha Hudson

Kelly Macdonald

Mrs. Martha Hudson
In the comedy film "Holmes & Watson," Kelly Macdonald delivers a delightful performance as Mrs. Martha Hudson, the lovable and slightly eccentric landlady of the famed detective duo. Macdonald brings a refreshing warmth and humor to the character, showcasing her impeccable comedic timing and ability to effortlessly switch between subtle and overt humor. Her unique portrayal of Mrs. Hudson as a quirky, lovestruck woman pining for the oblivious Sherlock Holmes (Will Ferrell) adds a layer of amusement to the overall narrative. Macdonald's performance stands out in the film as she injects her character with an endearing charm that leaves a lasting impression on the viewers.
Bella Ramsey as Flotsam

Bella Ramsey


Ramseys erste Schauspielrolle war 2016 die Lyanna Mormont in der erfolgreichen Fernsehserie Game of Thrones. Die...

Billy Zane as Billy Zane

Billy Zane

Billy Zane

Billy Zane (* 24. Februar 1966 in Chicago, Illinois als William George Zane, Jr.) ist ein US-amerikanischer...

Crew von Holmes & Watson

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