Peggy Newman, eine Frau mit bewegter Vergangenheit, trifft nach dem Tod ihrer geliebten Mutter, mit der sie im kleinen Wüstenörtchen Yucca Valley in Kalifornien gelebt hat, die lebensverändernde Entscheidung, Privatdetektivin
zu werden.
Gesamte Besetzung von High Desert
Matt Dillon
Denny (8 episodes)
Denny is a recurring character in the show High Desert. He is played by John C. Reilly and appears in multiple episodes throughout the series. Denny is known for his laid-back demeanor and often serves as a source of comic relief. He is a friend of the show's main character, Peggy, and often provides her with advice and support.
Quotes from Denny
- 'Don't sweat the small stuff.'
- 'Sometimes you just gotta go with the flow.'
- 'Life's too short to worry about everything.'
Brad Garrett
Bruce Harvey (8 episodes)
Bruce Harvey is a recurring character in the television show High Desert. He is a kind and caring family man, who also happens to be a successful business owner. Bruce is always there to lend a helping hand and offer advice to those who need it.
Quotes from Bruce Harvey
- 'Success is not just about money. It's about making a difference in people's lives.'
- 'Sometimes the only way to move forward is to take a step back.'
Rupert Friend
Guru Bob (8 episodes)
Guru Bob is a new age spiritual guide in the show High Desert, known for his unconventional methods and enigmatic personality.
Quotes from Guru Bob
- 'The universe is within us, man.'
- 'Let go of your earthly woes and embrace the divine.'
Crew von High Desert
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