Who You Gonna Call?
Abby Yates hat schon immer an Gespenster geglaubt, obwohl sie dafür belächelt wird. In einem Labor erforscht sie das Paranormale, unterstützt von der schrägen, aber genialen Ingenieurin Jillian Holtzmann, die abgefahrene Anti-Geister-Waffen bastelt. Abbys alte Freundin Erin Gilbert hat das umstrittene Forschungsgebiet hingegen für eine Karriere als seriöse Physikerin aufgegeben, was einst zum Bruch zwischen den beiden Partnerinnen führte. Doch als Erin kurz vor einer Festanstellung an der renommierten Columbia-Universität steht, wird sie von der gemeinsamen Geisterforschervergangenheit eingeholt. Sie bittet Abby um Hilfe, aber die wittert schnell eine ganz andere Gelegenheit und schleppt Erin mit zu einem Herrenhaus aus dem 19. Jahrhundert, in dem es zu einer Geistererscheinung gekommen sein soll. Nach diesem Termin ist nichts mehr so wie vorher: Die Frauen mischen als Ghostbusters New York auf und erhalten durch die resolute U-Bahn-Angestellte Patty Tolan weitere Verstärkung.
Gesamte Besetzung von Ghostbusters
Kristen Wiig delivers a delightful performance as Erin Gilbert in the 2016 reboot of 'Ghostbusters'. As a physicist turned paranormal investigator, Wiig brings a unique blend of intelligence and humor to the role. Her comedic timing and chemistry with co-stars Melissa McCarthy, Kate McKinnon, and Leslie Jones make for some truly hilarious moments. However, it's her character's journey from a serious academic to a full-fledged Ghostbuster that truly shines. Wiig's portrayal of Erin's transformation is both relatable and entertaining, making her a standout in this action-packed comedy.
Melissa McCarthy
Abby Yates
Melissa McCarthy delivers a delightful performance as Abby Yates in the 2016 reboot of 'Ghostbusters'. She brings her signature comedic timing and physical humor to the role, making her character both relatable and entertaining. McCarthy's Abby is a passionate and dedicated scientist, with a deep love for the paranormal, and her enthusiasm is infectious. Her dynamic with her fellow Ghostbusters, particularly her longtime friend Erin Gilbert (Kristen Wiig), adds warmth and camaraderie to the film. Overall, McCarthy's performance is a highlight of the movie, showcasing her range and talent as a comedic actress.
Kate McKinnon
Jillian Holtzmann
Kate McKinnon's performance as Jillian Holtzmann in the 2016 'Ghostbusters' reboot was a standout, injecting the film with her signature brand of offbeat humor and eccentric charm. McKinnon's Holtzmann was a delightful blend of quirky, brilliant, and badass, effortlessly stealing scenes with her unpredictable antics and delivering some of the film's most memorable lines. Her portrayal of the unconventional and fiercely independent scientist added a fresh and exciting dynamic to the Ghostbusters team, making her a fan favorite and cementing McKinnon's status as a comedic powerhouse.
Chris Hemsworth's performance as Kevin in the 2016 reboot of 'Ghostbusters' was a delightful surprise. Known for his serious roles, Hemsworth showcased his comedic chops as the dimwitted yet charming receptionist. His impeccable timing and physical comedy added a refreshing layer of humor to the film, making Kevin a standout character. Hemsworth's willingness to poke fun at his own image and embrace the role wholeheartedly was a testament to his versatility as an actor.
Charles Dance
Harold Fillmore
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Sigourney Weaver
Rebecca Gorin
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Crew von Ghostbusters
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