Ein weißer Hai terrorisiert eine Badeinsel an der amerikanischen Atlantikküste. Besonnene Einheimische unter Führung von Polizeichef Brody wollen alle Strände schließen und zur großen Jagd blasen, während die Schar der Kaufleute und Gastwirte angesichts der einträglichen Badesaison lieber zur Tagesordnung übergeht und sich damit auch durchsetzt. Als der Hai erneut zuschlägt, bildet Brody mit dem erfahrenen Haifänger Quint und dem Ozeanologen Hooper ein Jagd-Team und rückt dem Gegner auf See zu Leibe.
Gesamte Besetzung von Der weiße Hai
Roy Scheider's portrayal of Police Chief Martin Brody in 'Jaws' is a masterclass in understated acting. His character, a family man and law enforcement officer, is thrust into a terrifying situation when a great white shark terrorizes his small coastal town. Scheider's performance is grounded and authentic, making Brody's fear and determination palpable. His nuanced portrayal of a man trying to protect his community while grappling with his own anxieties adds a layer of depth to the film, making it not just a thrilling shark tale, but also a compelling character study.
Richard Dreyfuss's portrayal of Matt Hooper in 'Jaws' is nothing short of exceptional. His character, a marine biologist, brings a unique blend of intelligence and wit to the screen. Dreyfuss expertly captures Hooper's passion for his work, making the audience feel the urgency and importance of his mission. His on-screen chemistry with Roy Scheider's Chief Brody is palpable, creating a dynamic duo that carries the film's tension and suspense. Dreyfuss's performance is a testament to his versatility as an actor, and his portrayal of Hooper remains one of his most memorable roles.
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