Nach dem Verschwinden eines Kindes begeben sich vier Familien auf die verzweifelte Suche nach Antworten und der Lösung eines Rätsels, das drei Generationen umspannt.
Gesamte Besetzung von Dark
Oliver Masucci
Himself , Ulrich Nielsen
In the complex and thrilling world of the German Netflix series, 'Dark', Oliver Masucci delivers an intriguing portrayal of himself. While his character primarily serves as a device to unravel the labyrinthine narrative, his performance is a testament to his versatility as an actor. Masucci infuses a sense of authenticity and vulnerability into his self-portrayal, effortlessly navigating the enigmatic whirlwind of time travel, lost loves, and dark family secrets that the series unfurls. His character offers insightful commentary, injecting a touch of humor and grounding the show as it delves deep into the chaos and intrigue of its multi-generational plot. Masucci's performance is yet another example of his ability to showcase range and versatility, offering viewers a captivating performance that complements the enthralling atmosphere of 'Dark'.