Ein Tag, den sie nie vergessen werden.
Der ehemalige US Ranger Cameron Poe verbüßt eine langjährige Haftstrafe, nachdem er in Notwehr einen Mann bei einer Schlägerei getötet hat. Am Tag seiner Entlassung soll er mit der mit einem Gefangenenflugzeug zu seinem Heimatort geflogen werden. Die anderen Gefangenen an Bord des Flugzeugs gelingt es jedoch die Maschine unter ihre Kontrolle zu bekommen und planen den Ausbruch...
Gesamte Besetzung von Con Air
Nicolas Cage delivers a captivating performance as Cameron Poe in the action-packed film 'Con Air'. As a paroled ex-con trying to get home to his family, Cage brings a unique blend of rugged charm and vulnerability to the role. His portrayal of Poe's struggle to maintain his moral compass amidst the chaos of a hijacked prison plane is both compelling and entertaining, making 'Con Air' a must-watch for any Nicolas Cage fan.
John Malkovich
Cyrus "The Virus" Grissom
John Malkovich delivers a chilling performance as Cyrus "The Virus" Grissom in the action-packed film 'Con Air'. Malkovich brings a sense of unpredictability and menace to the character, making him a formidable antagonist. His portrayal of Grissom as a cunning and ruthless criminal mastermind is both captivating and terrifying, leaving audiences on the edge of their seats. Malkovich's ability to switch between calm and collected to explosive rage in an instant adds depth and complexity to the character, making him one of the most memorable villains in modern cinema.
Ving Rhames
Nathan "Diamond Dog" Jones
Ving Rhames delivers a memorable performance as Nathan "Diamond Dog" Jones in the action-packed movie 'Con Air'. Rhames brings a commanding presence to the role, portraying Jones as a ruthless and cunning criminal. His character's intimidating demeanor and menacing glare are balanced by moments of sly humor, making Diamond Dog a standout among the film's colorful cast of characters. Rhames's performance adds depth and intrigue to the movie, making it a must-watch for action movie fans.
Vom Knastbruder zum Filmstar: Das Leben des am 16.05.1944 in Los Angeles, Kalifornien, geborenen Danny Trejo böte...
Doug Hutchison (* 26. Mai 1960 in Dover, Delaware, eigentlich Douglas Anthony Hutchison) ist ein US-amerikanischer...
Don Sinclair Davis (* 4. August 1942 in Aurora, Missouri; † 29. Juni 2008 in Gibsons, British Columbia, Kanada) war...