"Come Home Love: Lo and Behold" is a heartwarming and hilarious Hong Kong television drama series that follows the story of the Hung family. At the center of the series is Hung Sue Gan, a self-made man who has built his own successful logistics company from the ground up. Now that his professional life is running smoothly, Sue Gan is focused on his greatest challenge yet: raising his three daughters.
The eldest daughter, Hung Yeuk Shui, has moved overseas, leaving Sue Gan to worry about her and the distance between them. The second daughter, Hung Sum Yue, is still at home and is an honor student, but her constant bickering with her younger sister, Hung Sum Yue, is driving their father up the wall. Despite their father's concerns, neither daughter seems to be in a rush to marry, and their petty arguments often leave Sue Gan wondering if he should laugh or cry.
Just when the family dynamics couldn't get any more complicated, Sue Gan's brother, Hung Sue Yan, moves in with the family. A nomadic photographer by trade, Sue Yan brings a breath of fresh air into the household, but also a fair share of strange events. As it turns out, Sue Yan's arrival has awakened the ghost of a former lover, Ko Pak Fei, who is the director of an online shop. The two used to date, and their reunion is filled with laughter and lighthearted moments. But the strange occurrences don't end there. The family soon discovers that the source of their troubles is Lung Ging Fung, a promising young man and the son of department store mogul Lung Gam Wai. This exciting and entertaining series is a must-watch for anyone who loves a good family drama with a touch of humor and the supernatural.