The Universal Pictures animated film series, known as "Sing", is a delightful collection of movies that will captivate audiences of all ages with their heartwarming tales and stunning animation. The series currently consists of two installments, "Sing" and "Sing 2", each offering a unique storyline while maintaining the charm that characterizes the franchise.
"Sing" was the first film in this collection, released in 2016. The story revolves around Buster Moon, an enthusiastic koala who owns a struggling theater. In a last-ditch effort to save his theater, Buster organizes a singing competition with a grand prize of $1,000. However, due to a printing error, thousands of flyers offering a prize of $100,000 are distributed, leading to a large turnout of eager contestants. This tale of ambition, music, and friendship is brought to life by a star-studded voice cast, including the likes of Matthew McConaughey, Reese Witherspoon, and Scarlett Johansson.
Following the success of "Sing", "Sing 2" was released in 2021. This sequel takes the audience on a new adventure with Buster and his talented group of animals. After their local success, Buster's group sets its sights on something bigger, the biggest stage in the world, located in the entertainment capital of Redshore City. However, they first need to impress the most influential man in music, the ruthless and egotistical tycoon Jimmy Crystal, who will only agree to help them if they can bring his long-lost rock star father back from retirement. With the challenge to hunt down the legendary rocker lion Clay Calloway, the journey becomes an uplifting adventure about pursuing one's dreams. The sequel introduces new characters and ups the ante in terms of both stakes and musical numbers, showcasing that the franchise is just getting started.