Breaking Point

Breaking Point is an American medical drama that aired on ABC from September 16, 1963, to April 27, 1964, continuing in rebroadcasts until September 7. The series, which was a spinoff of Ben Casey, stars Paul Richards and Eduard Franz. The series was created by Meta Rosenberg.

Breaking Point ran for 1 season.

Main Cast of Breaking Point

Robert Redford as Roger Morton

Robert Redford

as Roger Morton (30 episodes)

Charles Robert Redford Jr. (born August 18, 1936) is an American actor, director and activist. Throughout his career,...

Secondary Cast of Breaking Point

Robert Loggia

Robert Loggia

Salvatore "Robert" Loggia (January 3, 1930 – December 4, 2015) was an American actor. He was nominated for the Academ...

Mushy Callahan

Mariette Hartley

Mariette Hartley

Mary Loretta "Mariette" Hartley (born June 21, 1940) is an American actress. She is best known for work with Bill Bix...

Vito Scotti

Vito Scotti

Vito Giusto Scozzari (January 26, 1918 – June 5, 1996), also known as Vito Scotti, was an American character actor wh...

Helen Kleeb

Shelley Berman

Shelley Berman

Shelley Berman (1925–2017) was an American comedian, actor, writer, teacher, lecturer, and poet.

Clint Howard

Clint Howard

An American film and television actor. He is a character actor with numerous brief appearances on television and film...

Crew of Breaking Point

Discover the backstage crew of Breaking Point →