Cast and Crew of Anora

Cast of

About Anora

In the captivating movie, titled "Anora," we are introduced to a dynamic cast of characters, each contributing to the film's engaging narrative. The lead role, Anora, is portrayed by the talented Mikey Madison. Anora is a young woman navigating the often harsh realities of life in Brooklyn, where she finds herself working in the sex industry. The other central character is Ivan, played by Mark Eydelshteyn, who adds depth to the story with his nuanced performance. Ivan, the son of a wealthy Russian oligarch, is a key player in Anora's unexpected life transformation.

The plot takes an intriguing turn as Anora and Ivan's paths cross in a serendipitous encounter, leading them to make an impulsive decision to get married. This sudden turn of events gives Anora, a character who has been dealt a challenging hand in life, a glimmer of hope for a better future. Her life begins to resemble a modern-day Cinderella story, as she finds herself married into a world of wealth and privilege. However, the sudden shift in Anora's fortunes doesn't go unnoticed, and it's not long before the news of their union reaches Ivan's family back in Russia.

As the story unfolds, the fairytale-like quality of Anora's new life is threatened, as Ivan's parents decide to take matters into their own hands. They embark on a journey to New York with the intention of getting the marriage annulled. The announcement of their visit sets the stage for a series of dramatic events. The narrative then explores the cultural clash, the tension between love and familial duties, and the struggle for autonomy, all of which make "Anora" a compelling watch. The audience is left to wonder if Anora's Cinderella story will have its happily ever after, or if the stark realities of life will once again encroach upon her dreams.

Full Cast of Anora

Mikey Madison
plays Anora

Mark Eydelshteyn
plays Ivan

Karren Karagulian
plays Toros

Yuriy Borisov
plays Igor

Vache Tovmasyan
plays Garnick

Ivy Wolk
plays Crystal

Luna Sofía Miranda
plays Lulu

Ross Brodar
plays Security Guard

Lindsey Normington
plays Diamond

Darya Ekamasova
plays Galina

Emily Weider
plays Nikki

Alena Gurevich
plays Clara

Masha Zhak
plays Tatiana'a Hostess

Paul Weissman
plays Nick

Charlton Lamar
plays Court Security

Aleksey Serebryakov
plays Nikolay

Crew of Anora

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