This story takes place in a fictional town, in a fictional country, in a fictional world. One morning, a young lady awakens to find that she has lost all her memories prior to that morning. Her life, her relationships, her very name—all gone. All that's left is a cell phone with numbers and names she doesn't recognize and Orion, a young boy that only she appears to be able to see. With Orion's guidance, she struggles to make sense of herself, a boyfriend she doesn't know and the thousand and one little things that make up a daily life. But with no memories left, the only alternative is to forge new ones, even if that means leaving old loves behind.
Kaori Nazuka is a Japanese freelance voice actress. She usually plays her characters with a signature childlike yet l...
See Kaori Nazuka's other roles →Kisho Taniyama is a Japanese musician and voice actor. He is the vocalist and lyricist of the Japanese rock unit/bra...
See Kisho Taniyama's other roles →Kouki Miyata (宮田 幸季, Miyata Kōki, born October 9, 1972) is a Japanese voice actor affiliated with 81 Produce. His for...
See Kouki Miyata's other roles →Akira Ishida (石田 彰, Ishida Akira, November 2, 1967) is a Japanese voice actor and actor from Nisshin, Aichi. He is af...
See Akira Ishida's other roles →Satoshi Hino is an American-born Japanese voice actor. In January 2015 he and fellow voice talent Saki Nakajima annou...
See Satoshi Hino's other roles →Hidenori Takahashi was born on December 7, 1983 and is currently 40 years old.
See Hidenori Takahashi's other roles →Also know by her nickname Shokotan.
See Shoko Nakagawa's other roles →