Cast and Crew of 7th & Union

Cast of
7th & Union

About 7th & Union

  • Released on June 02, 2021
  • Drama

Ex-fighter Raymundo forms an unlikely bond with a disgruntled man whose life and relationship with his daughter are unraveling. The men join forces to win a fight that could very well save Raymundo, his wife and their child.

Full Cast of 7th & Union

Omar Chaparro
plays Raymundo

Omar Chaparro as Raymundo

Omar Rafael Chaparro Alvídrez (Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico; November 26, 1974), better known by his stage name Omar ...

See Omar Chaparro's other roles

Edy Ganem
plays Lucia

Edy Ganem as Lucia

Edurne "Edy" Ganem is an American actress of Mexican and Lebanese descent. She is known for her role as Valentina Dia...

See Edy Ganem's other roles

Felipe Esparza
plays Charlie

Gregg Daniel
plays Arthur

Julian Obradors
plays Mario

Oscar Torre
plays Jorge

Oscar Torre as Jorge

Oscar Torre is an actor and producer.

See Oscar Torre's other roles

Jay Hieron
plays The Prophet

Lee Coc
plays Rebelde

Angelo Pagán
plays Wayne

Isaac Ordonez
plays Mario's Friend

Sonny Bustamante
plays Boy 1

Nolan Sira
plays Mario's friend

Julian Vidaurrazaga
plays Mario's Friend

Crew of 7th & Union

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