朝花夕誓 的演职人员





朝花夕誓 的完整演员阵容

Manaka Iwami as Maquia (voice)

Manaka Iwami

Maquia (voice)
Manaka Iwami's voice performance as the titular character in "Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms" is nothing short of captivating. She brings a tender vulnerability and resilient strength to Maquia, a young woman from a mythical race known as the Iorph, who are known for their longevity and the magical fabric they weave. Iwami's portrayal is emotionally resonant, capturing the essence of Maquia's profound loneliness and her unwavering determination to find her place in a world that is both beautiful and cruel. Her performance is the heartbeat of the film, beautifully conveying the intricate dance of joy and sorrow that comes with Maquia's eternal life, especially as she forms an unbreakable bond with a human child named Ariel. Iwami's nuanced vocal work ensures that Maquia's journey from a sheltered existence to a world of motherhood and loss is deeply felt by the audience, making her character's emotional arc one of the most touching aspects of this poignant fantasy drama.
Ai Kayano as Leilia (voice)

Ai Kayano

Leilia (voice)
Ai Kayano's voice performance as Leilia in the animated movie "Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms" is nothing short of captivating. She brings a depth of emotion and nuance to the character that perfectly encapsulates the complex journey of a young woman caught in the throes of a world fraught with conflict and the bittersweet nature of time. Leilia's character, marked by her strength and vulnerability, is portrayed with a delicate balance by Kayano, whose voice fluctuates between fierce determination and tender sorrow, often within the same breath. Her interactions with the protagonist, Maquia, are particularly poignant, as their friendship becomes the emotional backbone of the narrative. Kayano's vocal inflections and the subtlety with which she conveys Leilia's inner turmoil and resilience add layers of authenticity to the character, making her one of the most memorable and relatable figures in the film. Her performance is a testament to her talent as a voice actress and contributes significantly to the film's exploration of themes such as love, loss, and the enduring bonds that define us.
Yuki Kaji as Krim (voice)

Yuki Kaji

Krim (voice)
Yuki Kaji's performance as Krim in the animated film 'Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms' is a testament to his versatility and depth as a voice actor. Kaji breathes life into Krim, a character who undergoes significant development throughout the narrative. Initially portrayed as a brash and headstrong youth, Krim's character evolves as he grapples with the complexities of his lineage and the responsibilities that come with it. Kaji's voice work is pivotal in conveying Krim's internal struggles, seamlessly transitioning from the fiery passion of youth to the more subdued and conflicted tones of a young man burdened by his destiny. His ability to express a wide range of emotions, from anger and confusion to kindness and resolve, adds layers of nuance to Krim's interactions with Maquia and the other characters. Kaji's nuanced performance contributes to the emotional resonance of the film, ensuring that Krim's journey is both believable and emotionally impactful for the audience.
Rina Sato as Mido (voice)

Rina Sato

Mido (voice)

佐藤利奈,1981年5月2日出生于福冈县北九州市,日本女性声优和歌手,所属事务所为东京俳优生活协同组合。获得第8回声优奖最佳女主角奖。 动画代表作有《圣母在上》武岛茑子(武屿茑子)、《魔法禁书目录》御坂美琴、《某科学的超电磁炮》御坂...

Yoko Hikasa as Dita (voice)

Yoko Hikasa

Dita (voice)

日笠阳子(日语:日笠 陽子/ひかさ ようこ Hikasa Yōko,1985年7月16日—)是日本女性声优、旁白、歌手,神奈川县出身。身高157cm,血型O型。曾为I'm...

Miyuki Sawashiro as Racine (voice)

Miyuki Sawashiro

Racine (voice)

泽城美雪太太是日本的女性声优、舞台剧演员,1985年出生于长野县。 在为女性角色配音时声音沙哑,但音质拥有一种高贵的气质(或者说是气场),无论是御姐、女王类角色还是清纯的少女乃至幼女都能够驾驭。有时也为一些男孩子的幼年,甚至为机器人...

Tomokazu Sugita as Izor (voice)

Tomokazu Sugita

Izor (voice)

杉田智和,日本著名声优。在其代表作品中常出演擅长吐槽的男主角(特别是凉宫春日中的阿虚),号称“第一吐槽男”。兴趣是作词、编写脚本。专长是按摩、少林寺拳法初段。 杉田智和在声优界亲近的友人有中村悠一、铃村健一、樱井孝宏、小野大辅、神谷...

Misaki Kuno as Medmel (voice)

Misaki Kuno

Medmel (voice)

久野美咲(1993年1月19日-)是日本声优、舞台女演员。东京都出身。身高150cm,血型为A型。大泽事务所所属。 作为声优的代表作有《世界征服~谋略之星~》(星宫凯特)、《七大罪》(霍克)、《3月的狮子》(川本桃)等。 作为童星...

Hiroaki Hirata as Barlow (voice)

Hiroaki Hirata

Barlow (voice)

平田广明是日本男性演员、声优。属于Hirata Production Japan,东京都出身。星座是狮子座、血型是A型。身高175cm、体重65kg。音域为F#~A。

Shunsuke Sakuya as Darel (voice)

Shunsuke Sakuya

Darel (voice)

咲野俊介,日本声优,隶属于Seinenza Theater Company。出生于宫崎县,身高177厘米,体重61公斤,血型A型。

Yuuya Uchida as King of Baiera (voice)

Yuuya Uchida

King of Baiera (voice)

日本的声优、演员、剧团演员座所属。 出生于埼玉县北葛饰郡三乡町(现:三乡市)。毕业于桐朋学园大学短期大学部戏剧系。 起初动画配音比较少参与,在《二十面相少女》为二十面相角色作配音,从而有更多机会参与动画的配音。 主要是海外吹替剧...

Jun Kasama as Soldier (voice)

Jun Kasama

Soldier (voice)


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