故事发生在1966年6月6日的上午6时,在这样一个不吉利的时刻,美国大使罗伯特(格利高里·派克 Gregory Peck 饰)领养了一个男孩并取名戴米(哈维·史蒂芬斯 Harvey Stephens 饰)。随着时间的推移,戴米渐渐长大,一些奇怪事件的接连发生预示着厄运敲响了罗伯特的家门。戴米的保姆莫名自杀后,一个神秘的女人贝洛克(比莉·怀特劳 Billie Whitelaw 饰)毛遂自荐留在了戴米的身边。之后,神父博南(帕特里克·斯偌顿 Patrick Troughton 饰)找到了罗伯特,他告诉罗伯特,戴米是撒旦的孩子,戴米会不择手段完成统治世界的野心。对于神父的话,罗伯特半信半疑,直到博南神父的死讯传来,罗伯特才意识到,事态的发展是多么的糟糕。
凶兆 的完整演员阵容
David Warner
Keith Jennings
David Warner's performance as Keith Jennings in 'The Omen' is a standout aspect of the film. His portrayal of the skeptical photographer who gradually becomes convinced of the supernatural events surrounding Damien is both nuanced and compelling. Warner's ability to convey Jennings' growing fear and desperation as he uncovers the truth about Damien's identity is a testament to his skill as an actor. His performance adds a layer of depth and humanity to the film, making it all the more chilling and memorable.