Bloodsport III brings us back to the world of Alex Cardo. This time he must battle in a fight to end all fights - The Kumite, the most vicious warrior alive - Beast. He must not only battle for his own honor, but also avenge the death of Sun, his mentor, teacher, and spiritual "father", when Sun is spitefully killed by crime boss Duvalier. In order to defeat Beast, destroy Duvalier, and avenge Sun's death, Alex turns to Leung to whom he was indebted in Bloodsport II. Leung directs him to the great shaman, Makato "the Judge", to whom Alex must turn for guidance. The judge teaches him to fully channel the energy in his mind and body in order to rout the Beast in the Kumite...
吴汉章1929年出生于明尼苏达州,祖籍广东台山。幼年随家人搬家到香港,9岁时因抗战局势恶化,全家搬回明尼苏达州。小时候,吴汉章曾经 在父亲的带领下在明尼苏达州的华人小区用中文演讲为抗战募捐。 从1954年开...
丹尼尔·伯恩哈特(Daniel Bernhardt,1965 年 8 月 31 日出生)是一位瑞士演员和武术专家,曾出演过许多以武术动作场面为特色的电影和节目,包括鲜为人知的电影,如《未来战争》(1997 年),系列电影如《血腥运动...