吸血鬼家族 的演职人员


Le Vourdalak

《吸血鬼家族 Le Vourdalak (2023)》是一部由阿德里安·博(Adrien Bo)执导的法国剧情片。该片在2023年9月2日于威尼斯电影节首映,并于同年10月25日在法国上映。电影的故事灵感来源于阿列克谢·康斯坦丁诺维奇·托尔斯泰的同名哥特小说,讲述了一位父亲从战争归来,却发现自己的孩子们已经成为了vourdalak——一种传说中的斯拉夫吸血鬼,既死又活的存在。

吸血鬼家族 的完整演员阵容

Ariane Labed as Sdenka

Ariane Labed

Ariane Labed delivers a captivating performance as the enigmatic and alluring character in "The Vourdalak". Her portrayal is a delicate balance of charm and mystery, as she effortlessly draws the audience into the eerie world of the film. Labed's nuanced expressions and subtle gestures bring a sense of intrigue and depth to her character, making her an unforgettable presence on screen. Her performance is a testament to her versatility and skill as an actress, leaving viewers eager to see more of her work.