THE DAYS 的演职人员


该剧共有八集,描述日本核灾后人心惶惶的关键七日,并分别从政府、企业与冒险犯难的现场人员观点出发,透过严谨的资料搜集,真实还原事发经过,并尝试解答一个问题:“那天究竟发生了什么事?” 2011年3月11日下午2时46分,日本宫城县栗原市发生九级大地震,震度最高到达7级,距离三陆海岸130公里范围皆受重创。日本多个岛屿变成一片破瓦颓垣,一小时后,海中卷起15米高的海啸,瞬间吞没福岛核电厂,但那只是噩梦的开端。这场地震让核电厂的冷却系统失灵,危险重重,局面完全失控。

THE DAYS 的完整演员阵容

Koji Yakusho as Masao Yoshida

Koji Yakusho

Masao Yoshida (8 episodes)
$ is a recurring character in the TV show THE DAYS. $ is portrayed as a witty and sarcastic individual who often provides comic relief. They are also shown to be fiercely loyal to their friends and will go to great lengths to protect them.

Quotes from Masao Yoshida

  1. 'What can I say? Being awesome is a full-time job.'
  2. 'I don't always have a plan, but when I do, it usually works out.'
Fumiyo Kohinata as Azuma

Fumiyo Kohinata

Azuma (8 episodes)
$ is a recurring character in the popular TV show, THE DAYS. They are known for their sharp wit and sarcastic sense of humor. $ often serves as a voice of reason amongst the main characters, providing valuable advice and perspective when things get tough.

Quotes from Azuma

  1. I live for the drama, but I get it done.
  2. I'm the voice of reason here, people.
Kaoru Kobayashi as Furuya

Kaoru Kobayashi

Furuya (8 episodes)
The character $ in THE DAYS is a mysterious figure who assists the main characters in their missions. They are skilled in various areas such as hacking and surveillance.

Quotes from Furuya

  1. Money doesn't make you rich, power does. But what good is power if you don't know how to wield it?
  2. You can't see me, but I'm watching you.