The Apothecary Diaries 的演职人员

The Apothecary Diaries



The Apothecary Diaries 的主演阵容

Aoi Yuki as Maomao (voice)

Aoi Yuki

Maomao (voice) (48 episodes)
Aoi Yuki delivers a captivating performance as Maomao in "The Apothecary Diaries," a television series that transports viewers to a mystical world of court intrigue and ancient remedies. Yuki's voice work is a standout feature of the anime, as she breathes life into Maomao's character with a nuanced portrayal that balances wisdom and youthful curiosity. Maomao, a skilled apothecary with a mysterious past, is brought to the palace to serve as a food taster for the ailing emperor, and Yuki's performance perfectly captures her character's keen intellect and subtle, simmering emotions. Her voice carries the weight of Maomao's hidden knowledge and the delicate dance of survival within the palace's treacherous political landscape, while also conveying the character's endearing earnestness in her quest for medicinal discovery. Yuki's vocal inflections and rhythms draw listeners into Maomao's world, making her relatable and enigmatic at the same time, and her interactions with other characters are delivered with a chemistry that enhances the show's engrossing narrative. Through Aoi Yuki's exceptional voice acting, Maomao emerges as a compelling and multifaceted protagonist, driving the series with a performance that is both engaging and memorable.
Katsuyuki Konishi as Gaoshun (voice)

Katsuyuki Konishi

Gaoshun (voice) (48 episodes)
Katsuyuki Konishi's performance as Gaoshun in "The Apothecary Diaries" (also known as "Kusuriya no Hitorigoto") is a remarkable embodiment of the character's stern yet protective nature. His voice acting brings depth to Gaoshun's disciplined and unyielding persona, capturing the essence of a skilled martial artist and bodyguard whose loyalty to his charge, Gyokuyo, is unwavering. Konishi's voice weaves a sense of gravitas and underlying warmth into Gaoshun's interactions, particularly in his scenes with Maomao, where his gruff demeanor subtly softens, revealing a more nurturing side. His ability to convey both the character's formidable presence and his nuanced relationships with others adds layers to the narrative, making Gaoshun a memorable and compelling character within the rich tapestry of "The Apothecary Diaries." Konishi's portrayal elevates Gaoshun beyond a simple archetype, offering viewers a complex character whose voice resonates with the weight of his duty and the compassion that lies beneath his tough exterior.

The Apothecary Diaries 的配角阵容

Megumi Toyoguchi as Hongniang (voice)

Megumi Toyoguchi

Hongniang (voice) (18 episodes)

丰口惠美,日本女性配音员。身高168cm。东京都町田市出生。81 Produce所属。日本工学院八王子专门学校音响艺术系毕业。

Umeka Shouji as Kanan (voice)

Umeka Shouji

Kanan (voice) (4 episodes)


Takako Tanaka as Crystal Pavilion Lady-in-waiting (voice)

Takako Tanaka

Crystal Pavilion Lady-in-waiting (voice) (1 episode) , Maidservant (voice) (1 episode) , Guiyuan (voice) (14 episodes)

田中贵子(日语:田中 貴子/たなか たかこ Tanaka Takako,1994年10月5日—)是日本的女性声优,福井县出身。Mausu...

Ryuho Nagaoka as Bureaucrat (voice)

Ryuho Nagaoka

Bureaucrat (voice) (1 episode)

长冈龙步是日本的男性声优。代代木动画学院毕业。 兴趣:唱歌、跳舞 特长:特技表演 方言:关西腔

Noriko Hidaka as Fengming (voice)

Noriko Hidaka

Fengming (voice) (2 episodes)


Takuya Kirimoto as Lakan (voice)

Takuya Kirimoto

Lakan (voice) (11 episodes)


Mika Doi as Suiren (voice)

Mika Doi

Suiren (voice) (8 episodes)

土井美加,1956年8月4日出生于宫城县仙台市,日本女性声优。代表作有《超时空要塞》(早瀬未沙)、《浪客剑心》(高荷惠)等。 土井美加出道作:美国电影(少棒闯天下),主要活跃于1980年代,曾经是日本剧团“剧团昴”的成员,1982年...

Kaori Nazuka as Suirei (voice)

Kaori Nazuka

Suirei (voice) (3 episodes)

名冢佳织是日本的女性声优、舞台演员。 擅长小提琴,曾经学习过7年的小提琴。其他还有如爵士舞、踢踏舞、游泳、滑雪等诸多特技,以多才多艺而闻名。 和泽城美雪、三瓶由布子、小清水亚美是同一学年。

Yui Ishikawa as Lihua (voice)

Yui Ishikawa

Lihua (voice) (8 episodes)

石川由依是日本的女演员、声优。 主要进行舞台活动。 6岁时加入大阪的向日葵剧团,学生时代都在剧团进行表演。 初中时在多部名作音乐剧系列中担任主演。 2007年以声优身份出道。 2013年以后,成为了动画歌曲女生组合“Tref...

Yuhko Kaida as Ah-Duo (voice)

Yuhko Kaida

Ah-Duo (voice) (2 episodes)

甲斐田裕子,日本女性配音员、舞台剧演员,神奈川县川崎市出生。血型O型。 代表作: 吕蒙子明(一骑当千); 玛丽·珍·华生(蜘蛛侠); 月咏(银魂); 玛莉妲·库鲁斯(机动战士高达UC); 木户蕾(阳炎计划)

Kenji Akabane as Lihaku (voice)

Kenji Akabane

Lihaku (voice) (7 episodes)

赤羽根健治是日本男性配音员。隶属于青二Production。千叶县出身。从AMUSEMENT MEDIA综合学院毕业。身高168㎝。 代表作为《真魔神冲击!Z篇》的兜甲儿、《宝石宠物Twinkle☆》的雷翁、游戏《伊苏七》的卡修。

Misaki Kuno as Xiaolan (voice)

Misaki Kuno

Xiaolan (voice) (14 episodes)

久野美咲(1993年1月19日-)是日本声优、舞台女演员。东京都出身。身高150cm,血型为A型。大泽事务所所属。 作为声优的代表作有《世界征服~谋略之星~》(星宫凯特)、《七大罪》(霍克)、《3月的狮子》(川本桃)等。 作为童星...

Ami Koshimizu as Pairin (voice)

Ami Koshimizu

Pairin (voice) (8 episodes)


Megumi Han as Young Jinshi (voice)

Megumi Han

Young Jinshi (voice) (1 episode) , Meimei (voice) (9 episodes)

潘惠美(Megumi Han)是日本的女性声优、演员。2012年3月毕业于日本大学艺术学部演剧学科。

Mamiko Noto as Empress Dowager Anshi (voice)

Mamiko Noto

Empress Dowager Anshi (voice) (2 episodes)

能登麻美子(日语:能登 麻美子/のと まみこ Noto...

Atsumi Tanezaki as Gyokuyou (voice)

Atsumi Tanezaki

Gyokuyou (voice) (22 episodes)


Asami Seto as Shisui (voice)

Asami Seto

Shisui (voice) (5 episodes)


Chinatsu Akasaki as Son (voice)

Chinatsu Akasaki

Son (voice) (1 episode)

赤崎千夏是日本的女性声优。 鹿儿岛县出身。 于鹿儿岛县立锦江湾高等学校,东京学艺大学教育学部演剧専修毕业。 2008年,获得VOICE NewtypeSUMMER AUDITION2008文化化放送赏、81...

Lynn as Ayla (voice)


Ayla (voice) (1 episode)

Lynn是日本的女性声优。 美日混血儿,Lynn是她的本名。 非常喜欢猫。怕蛇。 喜欢的歌手是绚香。 喜欢的食物是拉面,讨厌的食物是韭菜。 日本播音演技研究所出身,养成所时期在日播研的第一天便迷路找不到教室了,被路过的饭田友...

Yumi Hara as Aylin (voice)

Yumi Hara

Aylin (voice) (1 episode)

原由实是日本的女性声优、歌手。 高中毕业后成为国家公务员,在当地的大阪邮局担任日本邮政公社事务员工作的同时还在声优事务所上课,在苦恼选择工作时最终决定进行声优的活动(国家公务员法有禁止兼职的规定),为此辞去邮局工作后上京。此外,由于...