Yume Miyamoto delivers a poignant and emotionally resonant performance as Mai Ninomiya in the animated film "Josee, the Tiger and the Fish." Her voice work breathes life into the character, infusing Mai with a delicate balance of vulnerability and inner strength. As the narrative unfolds, Miyamoto's nuanced portrayal captures the complexity of Mai's emotions, from her initial feelings of confinement and self-doubt to her blossoming confidence and determination. Miyamoto's performance is a testament to her ability to convey deep emotion through her voice, allowing audiences to empathize with Mai's journey of self-discovery and her quest for independence. Her interactions with the character of Tsuneo, voiced by Koma Hashimoto, are particularly compelling, as their evolving relationship is underscored by the subtle shifts in Miyamoto's vocal inflections, highlighting the tender and transformative moments that define the film's heartwarming narrative. Yume Miyamoto's exceptional vocal talent undoubtedly contributes to the film's emotional depth, making Mai Ninomiya a memorable and endearing character.
Lynn's voice performance as Kana Kishimoto in the anime film "Josee, the Tiger and the Fish" is a standout element of the movie, bringing depth and emotion to the complex character. Kana is a university student who becomes a caregiver to the titular Josee, a young woman with a disability that confines her to a wheelchair. Lynn captures the nuances of Kana's personality, from her initial reluctance and frustration to her growing affection and protectiveness over Josee. Her voicework beautifully conveys the character's transformation as she learns to understand and appreciate the dreams and desires of her charge, lending a sincere and heartfelt quality to their evolving relationship. Lynn's portrayal adds a layer of warmth and tenderness to the narrative, making Kana's journey from a college student with her own set of problems to a confident and empathetic caregiver a touching and memorable aspect of the film. Her performance is a testament to her talent as a voice actress, as she seamlessly intertwines strength and vulnerability, ensuring that Kana's character remains both relatable and inspiring throughout the story.
日本的声优、演员、剧团演员座所属。 出生于埼玉县北葛饰郡三乡町(现:三乡市)。毕业于桐朋学园大学短期大学部戏剧系。 起初动画配音比较少参与,在《二十面相少女》为二十面相角色作配音,从而有更多机会参与动画的配音。 主要是海外吹替剧...
寺杣昌纪(1962年5月8日-)是日本的男性声优及演员。生于兵库县西宫市,在大阪府出身。身高178cm,体重74kg。 1984年,桐朋学园演剧科毕业后,加入剧团俳优座,并于同年参与电影《W的悲剧》的演出,以演员身份正式出道。199...
河西健吾(かわにし けんご,Kawanishi Kengo),日本的男性配音演员,大阪府出生,所属事务所为Mausu...