该剧结合了野生动物电影制作技术和最新的古生物学知识,以独一无二的方式揭开古代地球壮观的动物栖息地的面纱。该剧集由 BBC Studios 自然历史部门的知名团队支持下制作。《史前星球》以白垩纪时代的环境为背景,描绘了海岸、沙漠、河流、冰雪世界和森林的场景,展示了鲜为人知且令人惊讶的恐龙生活。
Prehistoric Planet 的完整演员阵容
David Attenborough
Self - Presenter (10 episodes)
Self is the presenter for the show Prehistoric Planet, providing insightful commentary and interesting facts about prehistoric creatures and their habitats.
Quotes from Self - Presenter
- Let's take a journey through time and explore the fascinating world of prehistoric life.
- Welcome to Prehistoric Planet!
Prehistoric Planet 的制作团队
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