Kathryn Vale is a reclusive ex-movie star with a dark secret and a daughter hoping to follow in her mother's movie-star footsteps. When Kathryn attempts to make a career comeback, she is threatened by an anonymous blackmailer. The resulting events force Kathryn to confront the truth about herself and those around her.
珍妮弗·劳伦斯,美国新生代女演员。她的演技沉稳平实,从她表情的细致变化中,显现出非常多的内心语言,展现出扎实的表演实力。 劳伦斯最早的表演经历始于教堂,这位狮子女从小就显现出大胆与富有主见的强硬性格。14岁那年,她决定投身表演事...