基于Angela Thomas所著同名小说,聚焦种族问题和警察暴行。 16岁黑人女主角Starr Carter某天晚上去参加派对,遇到了儿时最好的朋友Khalil,派对之后后者载她回家,两人在路上被一个警察拦下,Khalil被迫下车,随后警察朝徒手的Khalil开枪。此事很快成为全国头条,Khalil被描述为“暴徒、毒贩”,而警察似乎并没有多大兴趣展开调查。 一群抗议者走上街头,将Starr居住的街区变为了战区,大家都尝试弄清楚到底发生了什么,而唯一知道真相的只有Starr,她做了很多采访试图还Khalil清白,她说的话将决定警察是进监狱还是被宣告无罪。
你给的仇恨 的完整演员阵容
Amandla Stenberg
Starr Carter
Amandla Stenberg delivers a powerful and emotionally resonant performance as Starr Carter in 'The Hate U Give'. She expertly navigates the complexities of Starr's life, from her struggles with code-switching between her predominantly black neighborhood and her predominantly white private school, to her journey towards activism after witnessing the fatal shooting of her childhood friend by a police officer. Stenberg's portrayal is both nuanced and compelling, making 'The Hate U Give' a must-watch for anyone interested in timely and thought-provoking cinema.
Russell Hornsby
Maverick Carter
In 'The Hate U Give', Russell Hornsby delivers a powerful and emotionally charged performance as Maverick Carter, the father of the film's protagonist, Starr. Hornsby's portrayal is nuanced and layered, capturing the complexities of a man who is both a loving father and a former gang member trying to provide a better life for his family. His performance is marked by a quiet intensity that is both commanding and heartbreaking, as he grapples with the harsh realities of systemic racism and violence in his community. Hornsby's performance is a standout in the film, adding depth and authenticity to the story's exploration of identity, race, and justice.
K.J. Apa delivers a noteworthy performance as Chris Bryant in 'The Hate U Give'. Apa's portrayal of a well-meaning, privileged high school student grappling with his girlfriend's traumatic experience and the racial divide in their community is both genuine and impactful. His ability to embody the character's emotional turmoil and growth throughout the film adds depth to the story, making viewers empathize with Chris's struggle to understand his place in the larger societal context. Overall, Apa's performance is a testament to his acting skills and adds a layer of complexity to the film's narrative.
Common delivers a standout performance as Uncle Carlos in 'The Hate U Give'. He brings a sense of warmth and stability to the character, making him a reliable and empathetic presence amidst the film's intense themes. Common's portrayal of a police officer who struggles to balance his loyalty to his profession with his love for his family adds depth and nuance to the narrative. His performance is a testament to his acting skills, as he effectively conveys the internal conflict and emotional turmoil of his character.
Anthony Mackie delivers a powerful performance as King in 'The Hate U Give'. As the leader of the local gang, King initially comes across as intimidating and ruthless. However, Mackie skillfully reveals the character's vulnerabilities and fears, making King a complex and multifaceted character. His performance is a standout in the film, adding depth and nuance to the story's exploration of race, identity, and social justice.
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