你的名字。 的演职人员




在远离大都会的小山村,住着巫女世家出身的高中女孩宫水三叶(上白石萌音 配音)。校园和家庭的原因本就让她充满烦恼,而近一段时间发生的奇怪事件,又让三叶摸不清头脑。不知从何时起,三叶在梦中就会变成一个住在东京的高中男孩。那里有陌生的同学和朋友,有亲切的前辈和繁华的街道,一切都是如此诱人而真实。另一方面,住在东京的高中男孩立花泷(神木隆之介 配音)则总在梦里来到陌生的小山村,以女孩子的身份过着全新的生活。许是受那颗神秘彗星的影响,泷和三叶在梦中交换了身份。他们以他者的角度体验着对方的人生,这期间有愤怒、有欢笑也有暖心。只是两人并不知道,身份交换的背后隐藏着重大而锥心的秘密……

你的名字。 的完整演员阵容

Aoi Yuki as Sayaka Natori (voice)

Aoi Yuki

Sayaka Natori (voice)
Aoi Yuki's performance as Sayaka Natori in 'Your Name.' is a standout example of her exceptional voice acting skills. As the best friend of the female protagonist, Sayaka, Yuki brings a sense of warmth and camaraderie to the character. Her ability to convey a range of emotions, from joy and excitement to concern and sadness, adds depth to the film and enhances the overall viewing experience. Yuki's portrayal of Sayaka is both believable and endearing, making her an unforgettable character in this critically acclaimed movie.
Nobunaga Shimazaki as Tsukasa Fujii (voice)

Nobunaga Shimazaki

Tsukasa Fujii (voice)
Nobunaga Shimazaki delivers a captivating performance as Tsukasa Fujii in the critically acclaimed anime film 'Your Name.' His voice acting brings depth and authenticity to the character, making Tsukasa a relatable and endearing figure. Shimazaki's ability to convey a range of emotions, from curiosity and longing to confusion and determination, adds layers of complexity to Tsukasa's journey. The nuanced delivery of his lines, coupled with the film's emotional storyline, leaves a lasting impression on viewers, further solidifying Shimazaki's reputation as a talented voice actor in the anime industry.
Kaito Ishikawa as Shinta Takagi (voice)

Kaito Ishikawa

Shinta Takagi (voice)
Kaito Ishikawa's performance as Shinta Takagi in 'Your Name.' is a delightful portrayal of a character who is both endearing and relatable. His voice acting brings out the innocence and charm of Shinta, making him an instant favorite among fans. Ishikawa's ability to convey a range of emotions, from joy to sadness, adds depth to Shinta's character, making him a memorable addition to the movie. Overall, Ishikawa's performance as Shinta Takagi is a testament to his talent as a voice actor.
Masaki Terasoma as Toshiki Miyamizu (voice)

Masaki Terasoma

Toshiki Miyamizu (voice)

寺杣昌纪(1962年5月8日-)是日本的男性声优及演员。生于兵库县西宫市,在大阪府出身。身高178cm,体重74kg。 1984年,桐朋学园演剧科毕业后,加入剧团俳优座,并于同年参与电影《W的悲剧》的演出,以演员身份正式出道。199...

Sayaka Ohara as Futaha Miyamizu (voice)

Sayaka Ohara

Futaha Miyamizu (voice)

大原沙耶香,日本女性声优、播音员,隶属于东京俳优生活协同组合,青山学院大学文学院英语文学系毕业,隶属于贤Production的声优大原崇是亲弟弟。 其演技的幅度很广,主要是出演成人女性角色,也有过客串少年的经历。据说是以在心中想好角...

Kazuhiko Inoue as Taki's Father (voice)

Kazuhiko Inoue

Taki's Father (voice)

井上和彦 (Kazuhiko...

Kana Hanazawa as Teacher Yuki-chan (voice)

Kana Hanazawa

Teacher Yuki-chan (voice)

日本著名女性声优、歌手,童星出身,所属事务所为大泽事务所。 在动画《ZEGAPAIN》中首次出演女主角守凪了子,由于其独特的棒读大受好评而为人所认知。 其他代表角色有《化物语》千石抚子、《Angel...

Shinya Hamazoe as (voice)

Shinya Hamazoe


滨添伸也(はまぞえ しんや,Hamazoe Shinya),9月6日出生于日本石川县,男性声优,所属事务所为Across Entertainment。主要作品:2016年参与配音电影《你的名字。》。

你的名字。 的制作团队

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