故事发生在南加州某地,黑帮老大乔·卡伯特和他的儿子“好家伙”艾迪召集了六名强盗,准备到珠宝店抢劫一批天然钻石。这六个人彼此各不相识,甚至连对方的姓名都无从得知。乔为了保持机密,以颜色作为代号分别给六人起名为白先生、橙先生、金先生、粉先生、棕先生和蓝先生,并规定他们之间不能透露任何私事。 抢劫时,六个人中了警察的埋伏,蓝先生和棕先生当场死亡。白先生带着受伤的橙先生回到预定的聚集地——一个仓库里。一路上,白先生对橙先生十分关爱,甚至告诉了他自己的名字。一会儿,粉先生也来到这里,他把到手的钻石已妥善存好,只等乔来时,大家平分。白先生和粉先生回想案发时的情景,得出结论,六人中必定有卧底的警察。在抢劫时举止疯狂的金先生活捉了一个警察回来。从警察口中,他们也没得到那个卧底的情报。不久,“好家伙”艾迪也来了,他同白先生和粉先生一起去取钻石。而金先生则开始虐待那个警察。在准备烧死警察的时候,金先生突然被躺在地上的橙先生开枪打死。原来橙先生就是卧底的警探。众人回到仓库,乔和“好家伙”艾迪认清橙先生是卧底,而白先生依然极力维护橙先生。最后,由于争执不下,一场血腥的枪战发生了......
落水狗 的完整演员阵容
Steve Buscemi's portrayal of Mr. Pink in 'Reservoir Dogs' is nothing short of iconic. His character, a paranoid and argumentative thief, is brought to life with Buscemi's unique blend of nervous energy and deadpan humor. His refusal to tip waitresses and his insistence on keeping his own code name, despite the others' protests, create some of the most memorable and quotable moments in the film. Buscemi's performance is a standout in an already stellar ensemble cast, and his character's ultimate fate serves as a chilling reminder of the consequences of greed and mistrust.
Lawrence Tierney
Joe Cabot
Lawrence Tierney's portrayal of Joe Cabot in 'Reservoir Dogs' is nothing short of iconic. With his gruff demeanor and imposing presence, Tierney brings a sense of authenticity to the character that is both chilling and captivating. His delivery of the lines is sharp and concise, adding to the overall intensity of the film. Tierney's performance is a standout in a cast of already impressive actors, making Joe Cabot a character that is not easily forgotten.
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