绝密跟踪 的演职人员



在韩国警察系统中存在着一个特殊的部门——监视班,该班有一群貌不惊人但拥有高超分析能力和跟踪技巧的探员组成。在班长黄尚钟(薛景求 饰)的指挥下,监视班一次次抓获狡猾罪犯,将他们绳之于法。某日,一腔热血的警员河允珠(韩孝珠 饰)以优异的成绩通过黄班长极为苛刻的测试,成为监视班的一员,代号“花猪”。虽然初出茅庐略显青涩,但花猪很快凭借其缜密的分析能力赢得班长的信任。与此同时,以詹姆士(郑雨盛 饰)为首的一组犯罪分子正策划对证券交易所的秘密行动。虽然已经获得罪犯的蛛丝马迹,但詹姆士极其狡猾,拥有超高的反侦查能力。 一系列高端的猫鼠游戏在闹市中央相继展开……

绝密跟踪 的完整演员阵容

Jin Kyung as Department Head Lee

Jin Kyung

Department Head Lee
Jin Kyung delivers a commendable performance as Department Head Lee in the movie 'Cold Eyes'. Her portrayal of a seasoned and no-nonsense leader is both convincing and compelling. Jin Kyung's character provides a strong backbone to the team, often serving as the voice of reason and experience. Her subtle expressions and body language effectively convey the weight of responsibility she carries, making her character an integral part of the movie's narrative.