禁闭岛 的演职人员



故事发生于波士顿海湾的一座与世隔绝的小岛上,66名精神病罪犯被关押于此,传言岛上正在进行种种人体实验。重重戒备之下,一个杀害了三个亲生孩子的女犯雷切尔,竟诡异失踪。联邦执法官泰德·丹尼尔和搭档查克奉命上岛调查此事。而泰德此行前来还有一个隐秘的目的——寻找让妻子 葬身火海的凶手。故事遵循这条线索展开,寻找失踪之谜、访问医院工作人员与病人、地毯式搜查……泰德查遍全岛,意外发现岛上多出一份神秘档案:第67号病人的 !岛上所有秘密无不纠结于这个多出来的人。但究竟谁是67号?

禁闭岛 的完整演员阵容

Leonardo DiCaprio as Teddy Daniels

Leonardo DiCaprio

Teddy Daniels
In the psychological thriller 'Shutter Island', Leonardo DiCaprio delivers a powerhouse performance as U.S. Marshal Teddy Daniels. DiCaprio's portrayal is gripping and intense, as he navigates the eerie and enigmatic environment of the film's titular island. His character's descent into madness is portrayed with a raw vulnerability that is both haunting and captivating. DiCaprio's ability to convey the complex emotions of his character, from determination to paranoia, is a testament to his exceptional acting skills. His performance in 'Shutter Island' is a standout in his already impressive body of work.
Mark Ruffalo as Chuck Aule

Mark Ruffalo

Chuck Aule
Mark Ruffalo's portrayal of Chuck Aule in "Shutter Island" is a standout performance, full of nuance and depth. He brings a grounded, relatable quality to his character, making him the audience's anchor in the midst of the film's psychological turmoil. Ruffalo's ability to convey a range of emotions, from determination to fear, adds layers to his character and keeps viewers engaged. His chemistry with Leonardo DiCaprio's character, Teddy Daniels, is palpable, creating a dynamic that is both tense and compelling. Overall, Ruffalo's performance is a testament to his acting skills and contributes significantly to the film's suspense and intrigue.
Max von Sydow as Dr. Naehring

Max von Sydow

Dr. Naehring
Max von Sydow's portrayal of Dr. Naehring in "Shutter Island" is a chilling and unforgettable performance. His character, a German psychiatrist with a mysterious past, exudes an air of authority and menace that is both captivating and unsettling. Sydow's ability to convey complex emotions with just a glance or a subtle change in tone is truly remarkable, and he brings a sense of gravitas to the role that makes it one of the most memorable in the film. His scenes with Leonardo DiCaprio's character are particularly intense, as the two actors play off each other brilliantly, creating a palpable tension that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. Overall, Sydow's performance as Dr. Naehring is a masterclass in acting, and a testament to his incredible talent.
Patricia Clarkson as Rachel 2

Patricia Clarkson

Rachel 2
Patricia Clarkson delivers a chilling performance as Rachel 2 in "Shutter Island". Her portrayal of the enigmatic psychiatrist is both captivating and unsettling, as she expertly navigates the film's psychological thriller elements. Clarkson's ability to convey a sense of mystery and underlying menace adds to the overall tension of the movie, making her character one of the most intriguing aspects of the film. Her performance is a testament to her talent and versatility as an actress.
Jackie Earle Haley as George Noyce

Jackie Earle Haley

George Noyce

杰基·厄尔·海利(Jackie Earle Haley)(出生于杰克·海利(Jack E. Haley);1961年7月14日)是美国电影演员。从儿童演员到成人奥斯卡金像奖提名者,他最出名的角色可能是他在《Breaking...

Ted Levine as Warden

Ted Levine



Elias Koteas as Laeddis

Elias Koteas


埃利亚斯·科特亚斯(Elias Koteas,1961 年 3 月 11 日出生)是一位加拿大演员,因在《芝加哥警察局》系列中饰演阿尔文“阿尔”奥林斯基、《歌利亚》中的汤姆·特鲁、《现在你看见我》(2013...

Joseph Sikora as Glen Miga

Joseph Sikora

Glen Miga

出生于伊利诺伊州芝加哥,母亲芭芭拉和父亲阿尔宾是三个男孩之一,住在杰斐逊公园和诺伍德公园附近。他有波兰和荷兰血统。Sikora 于 1994 年毕业于圣母大学预科。他在芝加哥哥伦比亚学院学习表演,在那里他获得了戏剧硕士学位。

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