在地球的蛮荒年代,一名公主被巫师所捕获,邪恶的皇后为了拿公主为祭品以永远拿王座,传唤力大无穷的壮硕剑客科南前来寻找公主的下落。失去挚爱而失魂落魄的科南,在明白唯有藉助皇后的神秘魔力,才能使爱人死而复生的道理下,与皇后订下约定,若将公主从巫师手中安全救回城堡,皇后将不计一切代价,设法将他的爱人复活。 在荒野中四处冒险的科南,幸有斗士、男巫以及小偷的协助,使得他能够化险为夷,然而,科南可以安全救回公主吗?失去的挚爱能够重新回到科南身边吗?一段与超自然的邪恶力量对抗的竞赛,正紧锣密鼓进行中 该片在1981年时,改编作者罗伯特·霍华德的《剑上的凤凰》短篇小说,内容主要描写“蛮王柯南”的传奇故事,并由当时尚未走红的动作男星阿诺德·施瓦辛格所主演。
毁灭者柯南 的完整演员阵容
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Arnold Schwarzenegger delivered a commanding performance as Conan in "Conan the Destroyer," the 1984 sequel to the successful "Conan the Barbarian." His portrayal of the iconic barbarian hero was characterized by his imposing physicality, which was accentuated by his well-sculpted physique, a testament to his dedication to bodybuilding. Schwarzenegger's Conan was not just a brute force; he brought a depth of character that balanced the savagery of his Cimmerian warrior with a newfound sense of humor and occasional moments of tenderness. His on-screen presence was magnetic, capturing the essence of a man driven by destiny, honor, and a thirst for adventure. Schwarzenegger's performance anchored the film's action-packed sequences and fantasy elements, solidifying his status as a quintessential action star of the era and ensuring Conan's place in the pantheon of cinematic heroes. The role showcased his evolving acting skills and his ability to carry a major motion picture with both charisma and gravitas.
Tracey Walter's portrayal of Malak in "Conan the Destroyer" is a memorable one, bringing a unique blend of mysticism and macabre humor to the film. As Malak, Walter embodies the archetype of the eccentric sorcerer, complete with a menacing laugh and unsettling gaze. His performance is marked by a palpable intensity, as he lends a sinister air to his character's interactions with the otherworldly. Malak's role as the comic relief in the film is balanced expertly against the darker elements of his character, providing viewers with moments of levity amidst the high-stakes adventure. Walter's ability to convey both the cunning and the deranged aspects of Malak, often within the same scene, adds depth to the character and complements the fantastical atmosphere of the Conan universe. His scenes with the film's star, Arnold Schwarzenegger, are particularly engaging, as the two actors play off each other to create a dynamic that oscillates between tension and camaraderie. Walter's performance is a testament to his versatility as an actor and contributes significantly to the enduring charm of "Conan the Destroyer."