亨利•希尔 从小不学无术,跟着老大保利,靠收取保护费、走私、抢劫,他娶了美丽的妻子凯伦,有可爱的女儿,迷人的情妇,名车豪宅,生活优渥。吉米•康维 和汤米 是亨利的好朋友,三人一起经历和很多事情:杀死羞辱汤米的意大利黑手党头领比利•贝兹;策划德航劫案,并干掉同伙,私吞赃款;甚至背着老大保利贩毒。当然,他们的生活,除了享受金钱带来的权势之外,更多的,是朝不保夕的动荡:汤米因为比利•贝兹的死,被人枪杀;亨利自己因为贩毒被警方逮捕,其他人也受到牵连。凯伦想尽办法将亨利保释出来,此时他们已经一无所有,被人孤立,危机四伏。他们要想尽办法活下去,无论以怎样的方式,付出怎样的代价……
好家伙 的完整演员阵容
Robert De Niro
James Conway
Robert De Niro's portrayal of James Conway in 'GoodFellas' is a masterclass in understated menace. Despite not having as much screen time as his co-stars Ray Liotta and Joe Pesci, De Niro's performance is no less impactful. He brings a chilling calmness to the role, making his character's unpredictable outbursts of violence all the more terrifying. His ability to convey a sense of power and control, even in the most chaotic scenes, is a testament to his acting prowess. De Niro's performance as James Conway is a standout in a film filled with exceptional performances, solidifying his status as one of the greatest actors of his generation.
Ray Liotta delivers a captivating performance as Henry Hill in Martin Scorsese's 'GoodFellas'. His portrayal of the real-life mobster is both nuanced and compelling, as he expertly navigates the character's transformation from a young, impressionable boy to a hardened criminal. Liotta's performance is a masterclass in subtlety and intensity, as he effortlessly captures Henry's charm, ambition, and eventual downfall. His chemistry with co-stars Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci is electric, making for some of the most memorable scenes in the film. Overall, Liotta's performance is a standout in a movie filled with exceptional acting, and it remains one of his most iconic roles to date.
美国演员。他以 6 英尺 3 英寸或 190 厘米的大尺寸而闻名,通常被塑造成扮演暴徒或追随者。斯塔尔出生于纽约皇后区法拉盛,母亲是零售员工,父亲是肉类加工商。他的哥哥博·斯塔尔(Beau...
黛比·马扎尔(Debi Mazar,1964 年 8 月 13 日出生)是一位美国女演员,也许最出名的是她标志性的泽西女孩式的外表,以及在独立电影中饰演前卫、口齿伶俐的女性,以及她在 Entourage 中反复出现的角色。
詹姆斯·迈克尔·因佩里奥利(James Michael Imperioli,1966年3月26日-),俗称迈克尔·因佩里奥利,意大利裔美国演员和电视编剧。他最出名的可能是在《黑道家族》中饰演克里斯托弗·莫尔蒂桑蒂,并因此获得了...
伊莉安娜·赫塞尔伯格,俗称伊莉安娜·道格拉斯,(1961 年 7 月 25 日出生)是美国女演员、导演、编剧和制片人。
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