Be careful what you wish for.
本片根据畅销小说改编而成。卡洛琳是一个充满好奇心的女孩,她在新家里发现了一扇神秘的门,通过那扇门,她进入了一个与现实平行的世界。表面看来,这个世界只是现实世界的镜像复制,其中的事物与现实里的几乎一模一样,但却充满了奇幻。在这里卡洛琳碰见了很多奇怪的人,包括她的“赝品母亲”,后者想将其永远留在这里。而卡洛琳必须依靠自己的机智、决心和勇气,才能重回现实,拯救自己的家庭。 10来岁的小女孩卡洛琳天生就有一颗好奇的心,凡事都喜欢问个究竟,不过她的父母却对她管教甚严,所以卡洛琳虽然有着打破砂锅问到底的精神,但也只能乖乖听父母的话。父母决定乔迁新居,搬到了新家的卡洛琳,来到了一个全新的环境里,这里大大的激发了她的好奇心。她开始对周围的邻居感到无比的新奇:有一个老头子,最大的乐趣就是整天在家里训练他自己的马戏团,这个马戏团可了不得,因为马戏团里的小丑,都是一只只可爱的小老鼠;除此之外,还有俩姐妹,整天的爱好就是你骂我,我骂你,生活还特别的古板。 玩了没多久,卡洛琳对这个新的居住环境渐渐的熟悉了,她开始觉得有些无聊。这时候,她又开始在家里找乐子玩,终于,让她发现了一个大秘密:客厅里,原来有一道她从来没有进去过的门!卡洛琳细心了数了数家里的房门,一共13道,而这第14道门,究竟通往哪里呢?一天深夜里,卡洛琳鼓起勇气,打开了房门…… 在房门背后的那个世界,有着和卡洛琳的世界相似的样子,还有一个自称为卡洛琳“另一个妈妈”、长着纽扣眼睛的家伙(或许她是个更完美的妈妈)。但事情渐渐变得越来越奇怪。原来,“另一个妈妈”是个可怕的怪物,她要做的是把卡洛琳永远的留在这个世界中,她绑架了卡洛琳真正的父母、甚至要为她缝上纽扣眼睛!在一只高傲的黑猫和三个鬼魂的帮助下,卡洛琳必须勇敢起来……
鬼妈妈 的完整演员阵容
Dakota Fanning
Coraline Jones (voice) , Coraline Jones (voice)
In the movie 'Coraline', Dakota Fanning delivers an exceptional performance as the voice of the titular character, Coraline Jones. Her ability to convey a wide range of emotions, from curiosity and excitement to fear and determination, brings the animated character to life in a way that is both captivating and believable. Fanning's voice acting is a crucial element in establishing Coraline's personality and her journey of self-discovery, making her a memorable and relatable protagonist.
Jennifer Saunders
Miss April Spink / Other Spink (voice)
Jennifer Saunders delivers a delightfully quirky performance as April Spink in the stop-motion animated film 'Coraline'. As one half of the peculiar and eccentric duo, Miss Spink and Miss Forcible, Saunders's character is a former burlesque performer with a penchant for over-the-top theatrics and a love for her pet Scottie dogs. Saunders's distinctive voice lends a unique charm to the character, making her a memorable and entertaining part of Coraline's fantastical journey.
Keith David
The Cat (voice)
Keith David's performance as Cat in the movie 'Coraline' is nothing short of remarkable. His deep, resonant voice brings a sense of gravitas and mystery to the character, making him an intriguing and enigmatic figure. David's delivery is smooth and measured, perfectly capturing the cat's calm and collected demeanor. Despite his limited screen time, David's performance leaves a lasting impression, making Cat one of the most memorable characters in the film.
Ian McShane
Mr. Sergei Alexander Bobinsky / Other Bobinsky (voice)
Ian McShane delivers a delightfully eccentric performance as Mr. Sergei Alexander Bobinsky / Other Bobinsky (voice) in the movie 'Coraline'. His portrayal of the quirky Russian acrobat is both humorous and endearing, as he effortlessly switches between his character's two distinct personalities. McShane's rich, distinctive voice adds depth to the role, making Bobinsky a memorable and entertaining character in this captivating stop-motion animation film.
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