Goodbye Earth 的演职人员

Goodbye Earth

종말의 바보

该剧以一颗小行星撞地球,朝鲜半岛是撞击区为背景,讲述中学教师世京(安恩真 饰)不论代价如何决心保护她曾经的学生们。

Goodbye Earth 的完整演员阵容

Ahn Eun-jin as Jin Se-kyung

Ahn Eun-jin

Jin Se-kyung (12 episodes)
Ahn Eun-jin delivers a compelling performance as Jin Se-kyung in the television series 'Goodbye Earth'. Her portrayal of the determined and resourceful character is both captivating and authentic. Eun-jin's ability to convey a range of emotions, from fear and despair to hope and resilience, adds depth to the character and enhances the overall narrative. Her chemistry with the rest of the cast is also noteworthy, making her a standout in the ensemble. Eun-jin's performance is a testament to her talent and versatility as an actress.