非常嫌疑犯 的演职人员


五个罪犯, 一条线, 没有巧合!

美国加州的圣佩雷罗港一艘货轮爆炸,死亡27人,9000万美元失踪。事故发生以后,联邦调查局探员白基奇在医院等待昏迷不醒的幸存者;海关特派员大卫(查兹•帕明特里 饰)则对另外一名拿到特赦令的幸存者金特(凯文•史派西 饰)进行了审问。金特供认,在事故中丧生的基顿(加布里埃尔•伯恩 饰)、法特(本尼西奥•德托罗 饰)、麦曼诺(斯蒂芬•鲍尔文 饰)和杜学尼(凯文•波拉克 饰),以及他本人,六个月前被警察局作为卡车抢劫案的疑犯带到警局过了一夜,五人因此结成了一个犯罪团伙,狼狈为奸……

非常嫌疑犯 的完整演员阵容

Benicio del Toro as Fenster

Benicio del Toro

Benicio del Toro's performance as Fred Fenster in "The Usual Suspects" is a standout, showcasing his exceptional acting skills. Del Toro's portrayal of Fenster, a criminal with a speech impediment, is both convincing and intriguing. His unique delivery of lines and body language adds depth to the character, making him one of the most memorable in the film. Despite his limited screen time, del Toro's performance leaves a lasting impression, contributing significantly to the overall suspense and mystery of the movie.
Kevin Pollak as Hockney

Kevin Pollak

Kevin Pollak delivers a standout performance as Todd Hockney in "The Usual Suspects." His portrayal of the hardened criminal with a dry wit and sharp intellect adds a layer of complexity to the character. Pollak's on-screen presence is commanding, making Hockney a formidable force among the group of criminals. His performance is a testament to his acting skills, as he seamlessly blends toughness with humor, creating a character that is both intimidating and entertaining.
Giancarlo Esposito as Jack Baer

Giancarlo Esposito

Jack Baer


Clark Gregg as Dr. Walters

Clark Gregg

Dr. Walters

罗伯特·克拉克·格雷格(Robert Clark Gregg,1962年4月2日-),美国演员、导演、编剧。他最出名的是在漫威电影宇宙电影《钢铁侠》(2008 年)、《钢铁侠 2》(2010 年)、《雷神》(2011...

Louis Lombardi as Strausz

Louis Lombardi


路易斯·隆巴迪(Louis Lombardi,1968 年 1 月 17 日出生)是一位美国演员,以在《黑道家族》、《幻想岛》和《24》中的角色而闻名。

Castulo Guerra as Arturro Marquez

Castulo Guerra

Arturro Marquez


Christopher McQuarrie as Interrogation Cop (uncredited)

Christopher McQuarrie

Interrogation Cop (uncredited)

克里斯托弗·麦夸里(Christopher McQuarrie,1968年10月25日-),美国电影制片人。他凭借新黑色悬疑电影《平常的嫌疑人》(1995...

非常嫌疑犯 的制作团队

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