命悬一线间 超越不可能
特工汉纳威执行任务时遇害,核机密文件被女杀手莫洛(蕾雅·赛杜 Léa Seydoux 饰)截获。为了找回文件,特工班吉(西蒙·佩吉 Simon Pegg 饰)和特工简(宝拉·巴顿 Paula Patton 饰)从俄罗斯监狱救出了伊桑·亨特(汤姆·克鲁斯 Tom Cruise 饰)。他们接受的幽灵协议任务便是从克林姆林宫盗取核军事密码。然而,当他们接近目标时,却发现被恐怖分子亨德里克斯(迈克尔·恩奎斯特 Michael Nyqvist 饰)捷足先登,抢走了核军事密码。在爆炸中,亨特受困医院,遭俄特工的追捕,幸好他身手矫捷,才化险为夷。不过,亨特的上司也在混乱中丧生,只剩下其助手布兰德(杰瑞米·雷纳 Jeremy Renner 饰)与亨特死里逃生,加上班吉和简,逼上绝境的四人开始了最后一搏,从迪拜到印度,他们出生入死,与恐怖分子斗智斗勇……
碟中谍4 的完整演员阵容
Tom Cruise delivers a thrilling performance as Ethan Hunt in 'Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol'. His portrayal of the iconic IMF agent is a masterclass in action and suspense. Cruise's physicality is on full display, from scaling the Burj Khalifa to high-speed chases, showcasing his commitment to performing his own stunts. His charisma and intensity bring a sense of urgency to the film, making every mission feel like a life-or-death situation. Cruise's performance is a testament to his enduring appeal as an action star and the enduring popularity of the 'Mission: Impossible' franchise.
Simon Pegg
Benjamin 'Benji' Dunn
Simon Pegg delivers a standout performance as Benjamin 'Benji' Dunn in 'Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol'. As the tech-savvy IMF agent, Pegg brings a perfect blend of humor and intelligence to the role, providing a much-needed comic relief amidst the high-stakes action. His impeccable timing and witty one-liners not only lighten the mood but also create a charming camaraderie with Tom Cruise's Ethan Hunt. Pegg's performance is a testament to his versatility as an actor, making Benji a fan-favorite character in the franchise.
Josh Holloway
Trevor Hanaway
乔什·李·霍洛威(Josh Lee Holloway,1969 年 7 月 20 日出生)是一位美国演员,因在电视节目《迷失》中饰演詹姆斯·福特和在科幻剧《殖民地》中饰演威尔·鲍曼而闻名。最近,他在西部连续剧《黄石公园》第 3...
伊利亚·沃洛克(乌克兰语:Ілля Волох;1965年11月1日-)是苏联出生的演员。他出演了 90...
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