Arnold 的演职人员



Arnold 的完整演员阵容

Arnold Schwarzenegger as Self

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Self (3 episodes)
Self is Arnold's best friend in the television show Hey Arnold!

Quotes from Self

  1. Hey Arnold! What's the move?
  2. That's legen-wait for it-dary!
Danny DeVito as Self

Danny DeVito

Self (2 episodes)
Self is a main character in the TV show Arnold. He is Arnold's best friend and classmate. He is known to be somewhat of a troublemaker and enjoys playing practical jokes on his friends. Despite his mischievous behavior, Self is a loyal friend and has a big heart.

Quotes from Self

  1. I ain't gonna let no test decide my fate!
  2. Hey Arnold, you're my main man!
  3. I'm sorry, friend. I was weak.
Ivan Reitman as Self

Ivan Reitman

Self (1 episode)
Self is Arnold's best friend, a smart and loyal kid who is always eager to help his friend in need. He is kind-hearted and always tries to do the right thing.

Quotes from Self

  1. Why'd you do that for, Arnold?
  2. I don't know, Arnold, it just seems like it's not fair.
  3. Hey, Arnold!
Jamie Lee Curtis as Self

Jamie Lee Curtis

Self (2 episodes) , Self (2 episodes)

杰米·李·柯蒂斯(Jamie Lee...

Sylvester Stallone as Self

Sylvester Stallone

Self (3 episodes) , Self (3 episodes)
Arnold's best friend, he is known for his unique fashion sense and creative problem-solving skills. He often helps Arnold tackle difficult situations and is always up for an adventure.

Quotes from Self

  1. Smooth, Arnold, real smooth.
  2. Man, I'm funky!
  3. Hey, Arnold!
James Cameron as Self

James Cameron

Self (3 episodes) , Self (3 episodes)

詹姆斯·卡梅隆,加拿大电影导演,擅长以极高的预算拍摄动作片以及科幻电影,主题往往试图探讨人和科技之间的关系。 其代表作《阿凡达》和《泰坦尼克号》曾是世界电影史上票房第一名的作品,直至2019年7月20日才被《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》...