改编自著名经典小说,故事描述一个小女孩,如何排除万难和种种考验,为自己争取关爱、认同和专属的一席之地。故事发生于 19世纪后期,孤女安妮(艾米贝丝·麦克纳尔蒂 Amybeth McNulty 饰)经历了在孤儿院和陌生人家中饱受虐待的童年后,意外被安排到爱德华王子岛上一对姐弟的家中生活。随著时间流逝,年仅13岁的安妮凭著她的独特魄力、智慧和丰富的想像力,为玛莉拉·卡斯柏特(杰拉丁妮·詹姆斯 Geraldine James 饰)和马修·卡斯柏特(罗伯特·H·托马斯 R.H. Thomson 饰)的生活,甚至整个小镇带来改变。安妮的经历将为自我认同、女性主义、霸凌和偏见等恒久议题带来反思。
Amybeth McNulty's portrayal of Anne Shirley in the television series 'Anne with an E' is truly captivating. Her ability to embody the spirited, imaginative, and fiercely independent nature of the beloved literary character is commendable. McNulty's performance is nuanced and heartfelt, effortlessly shifting from Anne's infectious enthusiasm and wit to her poignant moments of vulnerability. Her portrayal not only stays true to the essence of Lucy Maud Montgomery's original character but also adds new layers of complexity and depth, making Anne with an E a must-watch for both fans of the books and newcomers to the story.
In the heartwarming television series "Anne with an E," Geraldine James delivers a nuanced and captivating performance as Marilla Cuthbert, the stern and pragmatic matriarch who unexpectedly finds herself opening her heart to the delightfully spirited and imaginative orphan, Anne Shirley. James expertly navigates the internal conflict that Marilla experiences as she grapples with her own prejudices and rigid beliefs, ultimately allowing herself to embrace change, growth, and the profound joy that comes with opening oneself up to love and connection. Her portrayal is a beautiful depiction of the transformative power of human relationships and the importance of understanding, empathy, and compassion.
丹尼尔·卡什(Daniel Kash,1959年4月25日-),加拿大演员、导演、歌手。