Political double-talk, dirty tricks, hidden microphones, spy satellites, bugging the Oval Office and a nuclear bomb for sale are all ingredients in this swift, funny and frightening look at the possibilities in today's political arenas. Sean Connery stars as TV Newsman Patrick Hale on an international chase to track two suitcase sized nuclear weapons and to uncover the twisting maze of apparent involvement of US Government agencies.
Katharine Juliet Ross (born January 29, 1940) is an American film and stage actress. Trained at the San Francisco Wor...
Leslie William Nielsen, OC (11 February 1926 – 28 November 2010) was a Canadian and naturalized American actor and co...
Robert Dean Stockwell (March 5, 1936 – November 7, 2021) was an American film, television and stage actor with a care...
Ivy Bethune was born on June 1, 1918 and passed away 5 years ago at the age of 101 on June 19, 2019.
Mickey Jones was born on June 10, 1941 and passed away 6 years ago at the age of 76 on February 7, 2018.