Cast and Crew of Why Me?

Cast of
Why Me?

About Why Me?

A jewel thief steals a sacred ruby which sets off a chase by the police, the Turkish government, nutty American terrorists, and the CIA.

Full Cast of Why Me?

Christophe Lambert
plays Gus Cardinale

Christophe Lambert as Gus Cardinale

Christophe Guy Denis "Christopher" Lambert (born 29 March 1957) is an American-born French actor who has appeared in ...

See Christophe Lambert's other roles

Kim Greist
plays June Daley

Christopher Lloyd
plays Bruno Daley

Christopher Lloyd as Bruno Daley

Christopher Allen Lloyd (born October 22, 1938) is an American actor. He has appeared in many theater productions, fi...

See Christopher Lloyd's other roles

J.T. Walsh
plays Francis Mahoney

Gregory Millar
plays Leon

Wendel Meldrum
plays Gatou Vardebedian

Michael J. Pollard
plays Ralph

John Hancock
plays Tiny

Jill Terashita
plays Hostess

Jack Kehler
plays Freedly

Jack Kehler as Freedly

Jack has appeared in over 60 feature films, including Men in Black II. One of his most memorable performances was in ...

See Jack Kehler's other roles

Lawrence Tierney
plays Armenian Robber #1

Lawrence Tierney as Armenian Robber #1

Lawrence Tierney (March 15, 1919 – February 26, 2002) was an American actor, known for his many screen portrayals of ...

See Lawrence Tierney's other roles

Debbie Evans
plays Woman Cop in Car Chase

Debbie Evans as Woman Cop in Car Chase

Debbie Evans is a prolific American stuntwoman. An accomplished motorcyclist, her entertainment roots began with half...

See Debbie Evans's other roles

Mickey Yablans
plays Armenian Robber #2

Crew of Why Me?

Discover the backstage crew of Why Me? →