Cast and Crew of Where We Disappear

Cast of
Where We Disappear

About Where We Disappear

  • Released on July 21, 2019
  • Drama

A story of survival about a woman's first night in a Soviet prison camp. After committing a crime to protect her son, Anastasia is sentenced to 12 years in a Soviet prison camp. Her arrival upsets the balance between the inmates. In a night of backstabbing and shifting alliances, she must find a way to escape and discover the hidden truth of her survival.

Full Cast of Where We Disappear

Georgina Haig

Jolene Andersen

Katharine Isabelle

Katharine Isabelle

Katharine Isabelle is a Canadian actress, best known for her portrayal of Ginger in Ginger Snaps (2000).

See Katharine Isabelle's other roles

Vera Cherny

Osa Wallander

Jonathan Scarfe

Jonathan Scarfe

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jonathan Scarfe (born December 16, 1975) is a Canadian actor of film and tele...

See Jonathan Scarfe's other roles

David M. Edelstien

Carmen Argenziano

Hunter Doohan
plays Ivan

Hunter Doohan as Ivan

Hunter Doohan is an American film and television actor and writer.

See Hunter Doohan's other roles

Heather Alexander

Kerstin Alm

Forest Baker

Cecilia Benevich

Brock Brenner

Brock Brenner

Brock has been seen in various TV shows and National Commercials including King Hawaiian Bread's first Super Bowl Com...

See Brock Brenner's other roles

CC Chainey

Chris Connell


Brent Horst

Jordan Harvey

Dennis Nicomede

David Otto Simanek

Agnete Strand

Trevor Teichmann

Tandi Tugwell

Robert L. Wilson

Crew of Where We Disappear

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