In the captivating drama "What We Find on the Road," we follow the journey of TJ, portrayed by Finn Haney, as he embarks on a life-changing adventure. On his 18th birthday, a stranger presents him with a key and an address, both from his estranged father who was sent to prison eight years prior. The key unlocks a vintage 1968 convertible, complete with a coffin welded to its floor – a peculiar and intriguing twist that sets the tone for the rest of the story.
As TJ begins his journey, he is joined by Jake, played by William Chris Sumpter. Together, they navigate the complex and beautiful landscapes of life, both as individuals and as a duo. Each decision they make brings them closer to the proposed meeting with TJ's father, as well as to a deeper understanding of themselves and their place in the world. The road ahead is full of twists and turns, and as they traverse it, they discover the true meaning of friendship, family, and self-discovery.
"What We Find on the Road" is a poignant exploration of the human experience, filled with mystery, beauty, and emotion. As TJ and Jake journey towards the meeting with TJ's father, they encounter a variety of challenges and obstacles that test their resolve and force them to confront their deepest fears and desires. Through it all, they remain steadfast in their pursuit of the truth, and in the end, they find that the road they have traveled has led them not only to their destination, but also to a greater understanding of themselves and the world around them.