"We Are Criminal Police" follows the gripping journey of Qin Chuan, portrayed by the talented Yu Hewei, along with his fellow graduates from the police academy. Eager to make their mark, they return to their hometown ready to embrace the challenges of their new roles as police officers. The series captures their idealism as they embark on a mission to fulfill their aspirations of becoming detectives who serve justice and protect their community. However, the road ahead is fraught with obstacles that test their resolve and commitment.
As Qin Chuan navigates the complexities of his new profession, he faces a pivotal moment that changes the trajectory of his career. During a critical incident, his bravery shines through, leading to a swift recognition of his potential by his superiors. This moment is not just a testament to his courage, but also serves as a catalyst for his development as he gradually learns the nuances of criminal investigation. He is guided by seasoned mentors, including the experienced Wu Yingde, played by Ding Yongdai, who provides both wisdom and tough love, helping Qin Chuan to cultivate his skills and adapt to the gritty realities of police work.
Throughout the series, audiences witness Qin Chuan evolve from an eager rookie to a capable and resourceful detective. As he grapples with the weight of his responsibilities, the narrative delves into the emotional toll that comes with having to face crime, deceit, and moral dilemmas regularly. The show not only highlights the action-packed elements of crime solving but also explores the profound human experiences that shape law enforcement officers. As Qin Chuan confronts both external adversities and internal struggles, "We Are Criminal Police" presents a compelling portrait of dedication, resilience, and the pursuit of justice amidst a challenging backdrop.