Cast and Crew of Urban Horror: Taipei

Cast of
Urban Horror: Taipei

About Urban Horror: Taipei

  • Released on July 12, 2024

Do you often feel inexplicably disturbed in this cold, unconcerned city? Those things we are used to but not specifically noticed are not caused by supernatural or spiritual phenomena, but the daily, under-the-surface crises sparked by the fear, ignorance and indifference around us. This is a series without ghosts, monsters, supernatural or sci-fi components. Every story in Urban Horror is happening around us...

Full Cast of Urban Horror: Taipei

Austin Lin

Austin Lin

Austin Lin was born on January 27, 1988 and is currently 36 years old.

See Austin Lin's other roles

Tiffany Hsu

Pets Tseng

Esther Liu

Ivy Shao

Huang Peijia

Jaydaone Liao

Chang-Ying Hsieh

Wen-Kai Hung

Wan-Ting Tseng

Zhan Huai-Yun

Lilo Kao

Yu An-Shun

Shawn Hu

Crystal Yen

Jean Ho

Liting Hsu

Joseph Huang

Hung Chien

Alice Tzeng

Ying-Ru Chen

Ven Kao

Shao-Chieh Lee

Queena Huang

Crew of Urban Horror: Taipei

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