Transformers: Armada, known in Japan as Chō Robot Seimeitai Transformers: Micron Densetsu, is a Transformers animated series, comic series and toy line which ran from 2002–2003. It was originally scheduled for 2001, however was delayed until early-2002. As the first series co-produced between the American toy company, Hasbro, and their Japanese counterpart, Takara, Armada begins a new continuity/universe for Transformers, with no ties to any of the previous series, including the immediately prior Transformers: Robots in Disguise in 2001. It would go on to birth a sequel in the form of Transformers: Energon.
Tōru Ōkawa (大川 透, Ōkawa Tōru, born Feb 28, 1960) is a Japanese actor, voice actor and narrator. While he went to a Co...
See Toru Okawa's other roles →Kiyoyuki Yanada (born May 10, 1965) is a Japanese voice actor, affiliated with 81 Produce.
See Kiyoyuki Yanada's other roles →Keiji Fujiwara (藤原 啓治, Fujiwara Keiji, October 5, 1964 – April 12, 2020) was a Japanese voice actor. His best known w...
See Keiji Fujiwara's other roles →Isshin Chiba was born on June 26, 1968 and is currently 55 years old.
See Isshin Chiba's other roles →Nobuyuki Kobushi was born on September 8, 1974 and is currently 49 years old.
See Nobuyuki Kobushi's other roles →Katsuhisa Houki (宝亀 克寿, Hōki Katsuhisa, October 30, 1946), born Katsuaki Houki (箒克朗, Hōki Katsuaki), is a Japanese ac...
See Katsuhisa Houki's other roles →Koji Yusa (遊佐 浩二, Yusa Kōji, August 12, 1968) is a freelance Japanese voice actor and narrator. He is from Yodo, Fush...
See Koji Yusa's other roles →Susumu Chiba (千葉 進歩, Chiba Susumu) is a Japanese voice actor. He is contracted with Office Osawa Co. Ltd. Progress ...
See Susumu Chiba's other roles →Tarusuke Shingaki (新垣 樽助, Shingaki Tarusuke, June 18, 1976) is a Japanese voice actor from Kumejima, Shimajiri Distri...
See Tarusuke Shingaki's other roles →Takahiro Sakurai is a Japanese voice actor who was born in Okazaki. He was a member of 81 Produce and has been attach...
See Takahiro Sakurai's other roles →From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Mark Acheson (born September 19, 1957) is a Canadian film, television and voic...
See Mark Acheson's other roles →Scott McNeil (born September 15, 1962 in Brisbane, Australia) is an Australian-born Canadian voice actor. He is most ...
See Scott McNeil's other roles →Dame Angela Brigid Lansbury DBE (October 16, 1925 - October 11, 2022) was a British-American actress and singer who h...
See Angela Lansbury's other roles →Michael Daingerfield was born on October 29, 1970 and is currently 53 years old.
See Michael Daingerfield's other roles →Paul Dobson is an English-Canadian voice actor who works for Ocean Studios and various other studios in Vancouver, Br...
See Paul Dobson's other roles →Arthur Tovey was born on November 14, 1904 in Douglas, Arizona, USA as Arthur Roland Tovey. He is known for his work ...
See Arthur Tovey's other roles →Andrew Francis (born May 27, 1985) is an actor and voice artist from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada He has appea...
See Andrew Francis's other roles →Sam Vincent Khouth is a Canadian film, television and voice over actor.
See Sam Vincent's other roles →Brian Drummond (born August 10, 1969) is a Canadian voice actor. He formerly served on the board of directors for the...
See Brian Drummond's other roles →