"Train to the End of the World" is a captivating movie that takes viewers on an unforgettable journey with a group of brave young girls. The main characters include Azumi Waki as Nadeshiko 'Nadeko' Hoshi, a kind-hearted and determined girl, and Hina Kino as Akira Shinonome, a smart and resourceful girl with a mysterious past. These characters, along with Shizuru Chikura and another friend, embark on a dangerous mission to find their missing companion in a small rural town that has been plagued by strange occurrences.
The story begins in a seemingly ordinary town, where residents have started to act strangely and disappear without a trace. Shizuru, played by Yumiri Hanamori, becomes increasingly worried about her missing friend and decides to take matters into her own hands. She discovers an abandoned train and, along with Nadeko, Akira, and another friend, they decide to board the train and travel to the outside world in search of their missing friend. The group is unsure of what awaits them, but they are determined to find their friend and uncover the truth behind the strange happenings in their town.
As the train journey progresses, the girls face numerous challenges and obstacles, both natural and supernatural. They encounter strange creatures and must use their wits and courage to survive. Along the way, they also discover hidden strengths and bonds of friendship that help them to persevere in the face of adversity. The question of what awaits them at the final stop becomes increasingly urgent, and the girls must work together to uncover the truth and make it back home alive. The climax of the movie is both thrilling and emotionally satisfying, leaving viewers with a sense of awe and wonder. Overall, "Train to the End of the World" is a must-see movie for anyone who loves adventure, suspense, and coming-of-age stories.
Chika Anzai (安済 知佳, Anzai Chika, December 22, 1990) is a Japanese voice actress from Fukui Prefecture. She is affilia...
See Chika Anzai's other roles →Azumi Waki (和氣 あず未, Waki Azumi) is a voice actress (seiyuu) and singer from Tokyo, Japan. She is affiliated with Haik...
See Azumi Waki's other roles →Hina Kino is a voice actress from Saitama, Japan.
See Hina Kino's other roles →Nao Toyama is a Japanese voice actress affiliated with INTENTION. She made her professional debut in 2010 as the voic...
See Nao Toyama's other roles →Kazuyuki Okitsu is a Japanese voice actor and narrator. After he graduated from the Osaka University of Arts he was i...
See Kazuyuki Okitsu's other roles →