Charlie Rankin, recently released from prison, seeks vengeance for his jail-house mentor William "The Buddha" Pettigrew. Along the way, he meets the ethereal, yet streetwise, Florence Jane. They embark on a unlikely road trip, careening towards an unlikely redemption and uncertain resolution.
Michelle Lynn Monaghan is an American actress. Her first notable roles were in episodes of Young Americans, and Law &...
See Michelle Monaghan's other roles →William James "Willem" Dafoe (born July 22, 1955) is an American actor. He is the recipient of various accolades, inc...
See Willem Dafoe's other roles →Tara Buck was born on March 16, 1975 and is currently 49 years old.
See Tara Buck's other roles →Kerry Rossall is world renowned stuntman best known for his work on Apocalypse Now (1979). He was nominated for 3 Tau...
See Kerry Rossall's other roles →