In an alternate futuristic society, a tough female police detective is paired with a talking dinosaur to find the killer of dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals leading them to a mad scientist bent on creating a new Armageddon.
An American comedian, actress, singer-songwriter, political activist, and talk show host. Goldberg made her film debu...
See Whoopi Goldberg's other roles →From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. George Young Newbern (born December 10, 1964) is an American television and f...
See George Newbern's other roles →Carolyn Laurie Kane (born June 18, 1952) is an American actress and comedian. She became known in the 1970s in films...
See Carol Kane's other roles →Richard Roundtree (born July 9, 1942) is an American actor. Roundtree is noted as being "the first black action hero"...
See Richard Roundtree's other roles →Peter MacKenzie (born January 19, 1961) is an American actor. In 1979, Peter took acting lessons in New York. He work...
See Peter MacKenzie's other roles →Joseph Angelo D'Allesandro (born December 31, 1948), better known as Joe Dallesandro, is an American actor, and Warho...
See Joe Dallesandro's other roles →Susie Coelho was born on December 7, 1953 in Sussex, England as Susan Coelho. She is known for her work on Breakin' 2...
See Susie Coelho's other roles →Rodger Albert Bumpass (born November 20, 1951) is an American character actor and voice actor Noted as his long-runni...
See Rodger Bumpass's other roles →Mickie (Maryanne) McGowan is the daughter of Robert A. McGowan, writer/director of the "Our Gang Comedies." She was b...
See Mickie McGowan's other roles →Denise Yvonne Dowse (February 21, 1958 – August 13, 2022) was an American actress and director. She was best known fo...
See Denise Dowse's other roles →