The Regiment was a British television drama series produced by the BBC. First broadcast on BBC One in 1972 it starred Christopher Cazenove and followed the story of a British Army regiment from the view of two families.
Struan Rodger was born on September 18, 1946 and is currently 78 years old.
See Struan Rodger's other roles →David Troughton was born on June 9, 1950 and is currently 74 years old.
See David Troughton's other roles →Welsh character actor of stage and screen. Since 1995, Elwyn has been the partner of the actress Alison Steadman.
See Michael Elwyn's other roles →John Nightingale (1943 - 1980) was a British actor based remembered for playing Tom Seaton in When the Boat Comes In
See John Nightingale's other roles →Timothy Carlton was born on October 4, 1939 and is currently 84 years old.
See Timothy Carlton's other roles →