In the gripping thriller "The Madness," viewers are plunged into a chilling narrative that unravels when a well-known media pundit, Muncie Daniels, portrayed by the talented Colman Domingo, inadvertently discovers a dead body deep within the secluded woods of the Poconos. What initially appears to be a straightforward case of foul play quickly spirals into a complex web of intrigue and danger. The media's relentless scrutiny casts a shadow of suspicion over Muncie, leaving him grappling with the harsh reality that he has become the prime suspect in the murder of a notorious white supremacist.
As the plot unfolds, Muncie must navigate a treacherous landscape filled with hidden motives and deep-seated prejudice. Alongside him is Elena Daniels, played by the skilled Marsha Stephanie Blake, a determined and resourceful ally who seeks to uncover the truth behind the murder. Together, they delve into the dark underbelly of the community that harbors secrets about both the victim and the surrounding individuals who may have had a motive for murder. Their investigation reveals more than just the circumstances of the crime; it exposes societal tensions and the pervasive influence of hate in their world.
As Muncie races against time to clear his name, the stakes rise higher with each revelation. The film masterfully weaves themes of identity, trust, and the absurdity of media sensationalism into its storyline, all while maintaining a taut and suspenseful atmosphere. "The Madness" asks not only about the nature of justice in a divided society, but also challenges the audience to reflect on how easily truth can be distorted. With powerful performances from Domingo and Blake, this cinematic experience promises to keep viewers on the edge of their seats until the final gripping conclusion.
Colman Jason Domingo (born November 28, 1969) is an American actor, writer and director. He is best known for his rol...
Marsha Stephanie Blake is an actress.
John Ortiz (born November 21, 1969) is an American actor and Artistic Director/Co-Founder of LAByrinth Theater Compan...
Ennis Esmer (born December 29, 1978) is a Canadian actor and comedian of Turkish descent. He first came to prominence...
Henderson is known mostly for his stage work. He won the 2015 Obie Award for Best Actor for his starring role of Walt...
Neal Huff is an American stage and screen actor. He received his MFA from the Tisch School of the Arts at New York Un...
Lanette Ware was born on December 27, 1968 and is currently 55 years old.
Kimberly-Sue Murray is an actress and producer, known for Shadowhunters (2016), V-Wars (2019) and The Lizzie Borden C...
Bradley Whitford (born October 10, 1959) is an American film and television actor. He is best known for his roles as ...
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Tahmoh Penikett (born May 20, 1975 in Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada) is a Canadia...
Vinessa Antoine is a Canadian actress. Her ancestors are from Trinidad and the Middle East.