Cast and Crew of The Legend of Robin Hood

Cast of
The Legend of Robin Hood

About The Legend of Robin Hood

  • Released on November 23, 1975
  • Drama

The Legend of Robin Hood was a 1975 BBC television serial that told the story of the life of Robin Hood.

The Legend of Robin Hood ran for 1 season.

Main Cast of The Legend of Robin Hood

John Abineri

Tony Caunter

Diane Keen

Frank Vincent

Frank Vincent

Frank Vincent (August 4, 1939 - September 13, 2017) was an American actor, musician, author and entrepreneur. He was ...

See Frank Vincent's other roles

Michael J. Jackson

William Marlowe

David Dixon

Miles Anderson

Miles Anderson

Miles Anderson is a Zimbabwean born British stage, film and television actor.

See Miles Anderson's other roles

Paul Darrow

Geoffrey Russell

Martin Potter

Conrad Asquith

Yvonne Mitchell

Secondary Cast of The Legend of Robin Hood

Gordon Reid

Tony Doyle

John Challis

Denis Bond

Kevin Stoney

Tony Steedman

Trevor Griffiths

Bernard Archard

David King

Roy Marsden

Roy Marsden

Roy Marsden was born on June 25, 1941 and is currently 83 years old.

See Roy Marsden's other roles

David Ryall

William Simons

John Malcolm
plays Cellarer (1 episode)

Robert Russell
plays Robber Chief (1 episode)